Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Expert User's Guide Go to Product Documentation Library
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How This Manual Is Organized
Part I: Overview of Oracle Expert
Part II: Using Oracle Expert
Part III: How and When to Use Oracle Expert
How to Use This Manual
Conventions Used in This Manual
Related Publications
Your Comments Are Welcome
Part I Overview of Oracle
Chapter 1 Introduction
Advantages of Using Oracle Expert
What Is Database Tuning?
Database Tuning Issues
Resolving Tuning Issues
What Are the Types of Performance Tuning?
Instance Tuning
Application Tuning
Structure Tuning
Ways to Use Oracle Expert
Sample Tuning Session
Chapter 2 Oracle Expert Methodology
Steps in Oracle Expert Methodology
Setting the Scope of the Tuning Session
Collecting the Data
Viewing and Editing the Collected Data
Analyzing the Data
Reviewing the Oracle Expert Recommendations
Implementing the Recommendations
Inputs and Outputs
Tuning Inputs
Generated Output
Part II Using Oracle
Chapter 3 Starting Oracle Expert
Chapter 4 Creating and Working with Tuning Sessions
Oracle Expert Main Window
Identifying the Database to Tune
Creating a New Tuning Session
Setting the Scope of a Tuning Session
Instance Tuning
Application Tuning
Structure Tuning
Selecting Values for Control Parameters
Opening an Existing Tuning Session
Modifying a Tuning Session
Deleting a Tuning Session
Chapter 5 Collecting the Data
Overview of Data Collection
Collecting the Collection Classes
How Oracle Expert Collects Class Data
Specifying the Class Data to Collect
Collecting Data Efficiently
Collecting the Database Class
Source Elements on the Database Collect Options Dialog Box
Options Elements on the Database Collect Options Dialog Box
Collecting Database Class Data from an Instance
Collecting Database Class Data from a File
Re-collecting Database Class Data
Collecting the Instance Class
Source Elements on the Instance Collect Options Dialog Box
Options Elements on the Instance Collect Options Dialog Box
Collecting Instance Class Data from One or More Instances
Collecting Multiple Instance Statistics Samples During a Collection
Collecting Instance Class Data from a File
Getting Less Conservative Instance Tuning Recommendations
Re-collecting Instance Class Data
Collecting the Schema Class
Source Elements on the Schema Collect Options Dialog Box
Options Elements on the Schema Collect Options Dialog Box
Collecting Schema Class Data from One or More Instances
Collecting Schema Class Data from a File
Re-collecting Schema Class Data
Collecting the Environment Class
Source Elements on the Environment Collect Options Dialog Box
Options Elements on the Environment Collect Options Dialog Box
Entering Environment Class Data Manually
Entering Logical Device Data Manually
Entering System Data Manually
Collecting Environment Class Data from a File
Re-collecting the Environment Class
Collecting the Workload Class
Source Elements on the Workload Collect Options Dialog Box
Options Elements on the Workload Collect Options Dialog Box
Collecting Workload Class Data from an Oracle Trace Database
Collecting Workload Class Data from a Database's SQL Cache
Collecting Workload Class Data from a File
Re-collecting Workload Class Data
Collecting Workload Class Data Manually
Starting a Collection
Restrictions During a Collection
Canceling a Collection
Collecting Invalid Data
Chapter 6 Viewing and Editing the Collected Data
Edit Pull-Down Menu
Changing Values
Rules Page
Default Rules
View/Edit Page
Public Synonyms
Database Users
Logical Devices
Workload Applications
Business Unit
Chapter 7 Analyzing the Data
Analyzing Data
Analyzing Data Efficiently
Tunable Rule
Deleting an Object
Restrictions During an Analysis
Canceling an Analysis
Invalid Objects Discovered During an Analysis
Invalidating an Analysis
Chapter 8 Reviewing the Recommendations
Reviewing Tuning Recommendations
Chapter 9 Implementing the Recommendations
Implementing Tuning Recommendations
How to Use the Implementation Files
Chapter 10 Generating Reports
Generating a Session Data Report
Contents of a Session Data Report
Generating an Analysis Report
Contents of an Analysis Report
Part III How and When to Use Oracle
Chapter 11 Using Oracle Expert Effectively
Defining the Appropriate Tuning Scope
Complete and Accurate Data
Iterative Tuning With Oracle Expert
Taking Advantage of Rules
Chapter 12 Initial Configuration
Advantages of Using Oracle Expert
Configuring a New Database
Performing Initial Configuration for a Database
Improving the Initial Configuration of the Database
Viewing and Changing Default Instance Parameters for a Database Not Yet Created
User-Provided Information
Oracle Expert Recommendations
Appendix A Managing Workloads
Database Workloads
Determining a Representative Workload for a Tuning Session
Collecting Workload Information with Oracle Trace
Providing Oracle Trace Workload Information to Oracle Expert
Collecting Workload Information from the SQL Cache
Providing SQL Cache Workload Information to Oracle Expert
Reducing the Size of a Collected Workload
Understanding the Workload Hierarchy
Specifying Importance Values for Workload Elements
Overwriting Workload Data

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Copyright © 1996, 1997 Oracle Corporation

Last Modified: 01:51pm EST, February 05, 1997

Oracle Corporation
Copyright © 1996 Oracle Corporation
500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood City, CA 94065

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