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The purpose of this manual is to introduce you to the Oracle Expert software. This manual describes Oracle Expert and gives an overview of the graphical user interface.


This manual is written for database administrators and all those responsible for the maintenance and performance of an Oracle Server.

How This Manual Is Organized

This manual is divided into a number of parts and chapters, appendix, glossary, and index. The description of the chapters follows.

Part I: Overview of Oracle Expert

Chapter 1, Introduction

This chapter introduces the reader to Oracle Expert. It explores the issues of database tuning and how Oracle Expert solves the tuning dilemma.

Chapter 2, Oracle Expert Methodology

This chapter explores the methodology used by Oracle Expert.

Part II: Using Oracle Expert

Chapter 3, Starting Oracle Expert

This chapter shows you how to start Oracle Expert.

Chapter 4, Creating and Working with Tuning Sessions

This chapter introduces the concept of a tuning session and how to create and modify a tuning session.

Chapter 5, Collecting the Data

This chapter explains how to collect the data used by Oracle Expert.

Chapter 6, Viewing and Editing the Collected Data

This chapter describes how to view and edit the data you collect. It provides an in-depth description of how to use the Edit pull-down menu in conjunction with the View/Edit page.

Chapter 7, Analyzing the Data

This chapter describes how Oracle Expert analyzes the data it is provided.

Chapter 8, Reviewing the Recommendations

This chapter explains how to review the recommendations made by Oracle Expert.

Chapter 9, Implementing the Recommendations

This chapter explains how to implement the Oracle Expert recommendations.

Chapter 10, Generating Reports

This chapter introduces the reports generated by Oracle Expert: the Analysis report and the Session Data report.

Part III: How and When to Use Oracle Expert

Chapter 11, Using Oracle Expert Effectively

This chapter explains various types of tuning and how to use Oracle Expert effectively in these scenarios.

Chapter 12, Initial Configuration

This chapter describes how to use Oracle Expert to configure a new database.

How to Use This Manual

Every reader of this manual should read Part I. These chapters give a foundation providing the purpose of Oracle Expert and how it works.

Part II provides step-by-step information on how to use the various parts of Oracle Expert.

Part III describes how to use Oracle Expert in different tuning situations. Read these chapters for additional information on how and when to use Oracle Expert.

Conventions Used in This Manual

Table 1 shows the conventions used in this manual.
Conventions Used in This Manual






Indicates that you choose a menu option, for example, the Exit option from the File menu.

[ ]


A key name enclosed in brackets indicates that you press that key, for example, the Return key.

Related Publications

If you are interested in collecting data using Oracle Trace, you may wish to read the Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Trace User's Guide.

Your Comments Are Welcome

We value and appreciate your comments as an Oracle Expert user and reader of the manuals. As we write, revise, and evaluate our documentation, your opinions are the most important input we receive. At the back of our printed manuals is a Reader's Comment Form, which we encourage you to use to tell us what you like and dislike about this manual or other Oracle manuals. If the form is not available, please use the following address, electronic mail, or FAX number.

Oracle Expert Documentation
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