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Oracle Expert Methodology

Oracle Expert performs tuning by following a designed methodology.

The topics in this chapter include:

Steps in Oracle Expert Methodology

The Oracle Expert methodology includes the following steps (see Figure 2-1).

Figure 2-1: Implementation of Oracle Expert Methodology

setting the scope of the tuning session

collecting the data

viewing and editing the collected data

analyzing the data and generating recommendations

reviewing the Oracle Expert recommendations

generating scripts for implementing the recommendations

Setting the Scope of the Tuning Session

When you set the scope of a new tuning session, you are telling Oracle Expert exactly what you want to tune. Your choices can be one or more of the following:

Collecting the Data

To give you the best performance recommendations, Oracle Expert collects the following classes of data:

Viewing and Editing the Collected Data

Once you have collected the various pieces of tuning data, you have the opportunity to view and edit that data. The data appears organized as follows:

You can also edit the rules and attributes associated with the previously listed data.

Analyzing the Data

Once you have collected and edited the data as needed, you can have Oracle Expert perform the analysis to generate tuning recommendations.

During the analysis, Oracle Expert evaluates the collected data in conjunction with all its rules and provides the best performance recommendations possible.

Reviewing the Oracle Expert Recommendations

Once Oracle Expert has analyzed the data, you have the option of reviewing the recommendations and deciding which to accept.

For example, say that Oracle Expert recommends that you increase the shared_pool_size parameter from 300,000 to 500,000. If you choose not to use this recommendation, analyze the data again. Oracle Expert keeps track of the recommendations you have accepted and takes into account interdependencies among the collected data before generating new recommendations.

Implementing the Recommendations

When you are ready to implement the Oracle Expert recommendations, you can use Oracle Expert to create parameter files and implementation scripts. These files and scripts allow you to implement the Oracle Expert recommendations at your convenience. These files and scripts minimize the risk of introducing any new problems during implementation, and they reduce the level of expertise required to implement the recommendations.

Inputs and Outputs

While following this methodology, Oracle Expert takes collected input, processes this input through various rules and algorithms, and creates tuning recommendations, tuning scripts, and reports. (See Figure 2-2.)

Figure 2-2: Overview of Oracle Expert

Tuning Inputs

Oracle Expert uses the following input data to generate effective tuning recommendations:

Generated Output

With inputs such as database, instance, schema, environment, workload, and rules, Oracle Expert generates the output needed for solving database performance problems. Oracle Expert generates the following:

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