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Using Oracle Trace

Oracle Trace collects data for products that are instrumented with the Oracle Trace data collection API. Use the Oracle Trace Manager application to create and administer Oracle Trace collections using the following methodology:

Install instrumented products on nodes managed by Oracle Enterprise Manager.

Discover the instrumented products using the Oracle Trace Manager.

Create an Oracle Trace collection for the instrumented products.

Submit the Oracle Trace collection, which executes the collection and formats event data to Oracle tables for access and reporting.
Oracle has already instrumented two products with the Oracle Trace data collection API: Oracle Server release 7.3 and SQL*Net release 2.3. You can use the Oracle Trace Manager to create and administer collections for these products. As you add additional instrumented products to nodes that are managed through Oracle Enterprise Manager, you can trigger Oracle Trace Manager to discover these products and make them available for collection administration.

The following sections explain this methodology, as well as:

Starting Oracle Trace

You start Oracle Trace from the Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM) console using either the:

The process of starting an application in OEM is referred to as launching.

Because Oracle Trace uses the Oracle Enterprise Manager job subsystem to perform its tasks, the Oracle Enterprise Manager console must be running at the same time as Oracle Trace.


For further information on the Oracle Enterprise Manager, refer to the Oracle Enterprise Manager documentation set.

Viewing the Oracle Trace Main Window

When you launch Oracle Trace, the Oracle Trace main window displays, as shown in Figure 2-1.

Figure 2-1: Oracle Trace Main Window
The window consists of menus, panes, a toolbar, and a status bar. Use the menus and the toolbar to access Oracle Trace functionality. The status bar provides information relating to the task you are performing.

Left Pane

The left pane of the Oracle Trace main window provides a tree structure representing the hierarchy of the Oracle Trace objects. The top-most object in the tree structure is the Collections container. Expanding this container displays all the nodes that have been discovered by Oracle Trace. Expanding each node displays a list of products and databases that are instrumented. Each product or database may contain one or more collections that have been executed, or are currently executing. Click on the '+' to expand the tree and '-' to collapse the tree.

Right Pane

The right pane of the window displays information relevant to the object highlighted in the left pane. In general, this information provides details about active and completed Oracle Trace collections for a selected object in the tree. The information is based on data stored in Oracle Trace tables within the Oracle Enterprise Manager repository.


The repository is a set of tables stored in an Oracle database. For a more detailed description of the repository, refer to the Oracle Enterprise Manager Concepts Guide.

Some or all of the following information is provided in the right pane of the Oracle Trace main window, depending on what is highlighted in the left pane:


The collection name.


The current status of the collection: active, inactive, or stopped.


The name of the node on which the collection was run.

Oracle Installation

The location of the set of products from which data is being collected.


The format status of the collection data. The status is listed as Yes if all the data has been formatted. If no status is listed, then the data has not been formatted.

Toolbar Icons

The Oracle Trace toolbar icons represent the items in the menus. The toolbar options (see Figure 2-2) are enabled depending on the objects selected in the tree list. The Oracle Trace icons are:

Figure 2-2: Toolbar Icons


Creates a collection. Click the + toolbar icon to create a collection.

| |

Creates a similar collection. Click the | | toolbar icon to create a collection similar to another collection. This is the same as choosing Collection=>Create Like...


Stops a collection. Select a collection in the tree list and click this icon to stop a collection.


Formats a collection. Select a collection in the tree list and click this icon to format a collection.


Deletes a collection. Select a collection in the tree list and click this icon to delete the existing collection.


Deletes files. Select a file in the tree list and click this icon to delete the file.


Deletes formatted data. Select a file populated with formatted data and click this icon to delete formatted data.

arrow ?

Press the arrow ? toolbar icon to activate context-sensitive help.

Viewing Oracle Trace Menus

The following sections briefly describe the menus in the Oracle Trace Manager. The menus are:

File Menu

The File menu contains the following option:

Exit to Console

Exits from the Oracle Trace application. Any collections that are active will remain active.

Edit Menu

The Edit menu contains the following options:


Removes highlighted text and places it in a buffer for the Paste operation. You use this option in the Collection Wizard.


Makes a copy of highlighted text to be pasted in another location. You use this option in the Collection Wizard.


Places copied or cut text at the position of the cursor. You use this option in the Collection Wizard.


Displays the Preferences dialog box in which you identify default format options used by the Collection Wizard.

View Menu

The View menu contains the following options:


Forces Oracle Trace to update and validate against Oracle Enterprise Manager node and database information.


Enables or disables display of the toolbar in the Oracle Trace main window. A check next to the Toolbar option indicates that the toolbar is enabled.

Status Bar

Enables or disables display of status messages in the Status bar of the Oracle Trace main window. A check next to the Status Bar option indicates that status messages are enabled.

Collection Menu

The Collection menu contains the following options:


Starts the Collection Wizard. Use this wizard to enter the information Oracle Trace needs to create a collection.

Create Like...

Starts the Collection Wizard if a collection is highlighted in the left pane of the Oracle Trace main window. The information from the highlighted collection is copied to the new collection. You can either accept or change this information.


Stops the active collection selected in the tree list.


Formats the collection data to a database.


Deletes a collection from the Oracle Trace main window.

Delete Formatted Data...

Deletes formatted data for the selected collection.

Delete Collection Files...

Deletes the collection definition file (.cdf) and the data file (.dat) for the selected collection.

Product Menu

The Product menu contains the following options:


Starts a process that identifies whether Oracle Trace is installed on a node, and if so, identifies what, if any, instrumented products are on that node.


Creates a new product definition file.


Edits an existing product definition file.


Your Oracle Trace main window may not show the Product=>Create and the Product=>Edit menu options. These menu options contain functions needed only by application developers. Therefore, the menu options are suppressed by default.

For more information about invoking these menu options, see Running Oracle Trace in Administrative Mode on page 7-1.

Help Menu

The Help menu contains the following options:


Provides a list of Oracle Trace help topics.

Search for Help On...

Displays a dialog box containing a scrollable list of index entries and keywords that you can search for in the help system.

Using Help

Displays information on using the Microsoft Windows help system.

About Oracle Trace

Displays a dialog box containing version and copyright information about Oracle Trace.

Discovering Products

When you invoke Oracle Trace for the first time, the tree list in the left pane of the Oracle Trace main window is empty; there are no entries under Collections. A message displays asking whether you want to perform an Oracle Trace discovery (see Figure 2-3).

The Oracle Trace Manager provides the user with a graphical navigator display of products and database services that are enabled for Oracle Trace data collection. These products and services reside on nodes that are managed by the Oracle Enterprise Manager console. Products and services enabled with Oracle Trace calls are located or 'discovered' by the Oracle Trace Manager during the product discovery process.

The Oracle Trace discovery process gathers information on products and services enabled with Oracle Trace calls by submitting batch jobs to specific nodes through the Oracle Enterprise Manager job system. These jobs query the managed nodes for instrumented product information and return the results to Oracle Trace, which updates the repository and the Oracle Trace Manager graphical display. The user can only submit Oracle Trace collections for products and services that have been successfully discovered.

If the user has created Oracle Trace collections on a node that fails Oracle Trace discovery, or if specific products or services fail discovery, the Oracle Trace navigator displays these collections and all associated products/services as disabled (greyed out).

Figure 2-3: Invoking Oracle Trace for the First Time
To populate the tree list with products that are instrumented with Oracle Trace, you must tell Oracle Trace to discover these products.

To discover products for the first time, click on the Yes button. At any other time, invoke Product=>Discovery. The Oracle Trace Discovery dialog box displays, as shown in Figure 2-4.

Figure 2-4: Product Discovery Dialog Box
The Oracle Trace Discovery dialog box contains the following fields:


Select the nodes on which you want to perform the discovery. Only nodes that have Oracle Enterprise Manager agents running on them are displayed in the dialog box. For each selected node, the discovery process identifies whether Oracle Trace is installed on the node and what products are available for data collection. For products to be available for data collection, they must be instrumented with Oracle Trace calls.


This field shows the status of the last discovery process that took place on the node.

Last Discovered

This field lists when the last discovery took place for this node.


When you click the Continue button, Oracle Trace begins the discovery process. The Product Discovery Status dialog box displays. This dialog box provides a visual cue to the progress of the discovery and the results of the process.


Click the Cancel button to stop the discovery process.


Click the Help button to get help on the discovery process.

Creating Collections and Viewing Collection Data

You create Oracle Trace collections using the Collection Wizard. To access the Collection Wizard, do one of the following:

Follow the instructions on the screen. Chapter 3, Creating, Formatting, and Deleting Collections, describes the Collection Wizard in detail.

Once you have created a collection, you can view the collection properties but you cannot edit the collection. However, if you need to alter a collection, use the Collection=>Create Like... option, change the collection options needing to be updated, and start the new collection.

To view the collection properties, double-click the name of the collection in the tree. Oracle Trace displays the property pages of the collection: General, Output, Schedule, and Progress (see Figure 2-5).

Figure 2-5: Collection Property Pages

General Page

The General page provides a minimal amount of information about collections. The information includes the location of the collection file, the duration of the collection, a description of the collection file, and the product/event set pairs that comprise the collection. The fields on the General page are:

Output Page

The Output page displays the location of the data file and the format history. The fields on the Output page are:

Schedule Page

The Schedule page shows the type of execution for the collection, the start date/time of the collection, the end date/time of the collection, the time zone used for the collection, and the duration of the collection. These were defined if you chose the advanced scheduling options when you created the collection. Refer to Advanced Scheduling Options on page 3-8 for a detailed explanation of all these options.

Progress Page

The Progress page displays the status of the collection as it was running, including the notification time. The fields on the Progress page are:

Formatting Data

Oracle Trace collects the event data in a binary file for efficiency. This binary file can be automatically formatted to an Oracle database for SQL access and reporting. You can format that data one of two ways:

By formatting the collected data, you can perform queries against your Oracle Trace data, or use it with a reporting tool such as Oracle Reports.

Chapter 4, Producing Reports and Formatting Data, gives a complete description of the formatting steps.

Running Reports

After you have run the Oracle Trace collection (and, optionally, formatted the resulting data), you are ready to run the reports. The Oracle Trace reports are:

Detail Report (default)

This report displays statistics for all items associated with every occurrence of every event for every product involved in the collection.

Process Report

This report lists the processes that participated in the collection. You can then get a Detail report for a specific process.

Refer to Chapter 4, Producing Reports and Formatting Data, for detailed information about creating and running reports.

Exiting Oracle Trace

To exit Oracle Trace:

Collections that are currently running will continue to run until they are stopped, or until the maximum file size is reached (if one was specified when the collection was started), or the scheduled end time is reached.


If you encounter a problem while using Oracle Trace, do the following:

Run Oracle Trace with the /l option activated. This displays the Oracle Trace Log window, which displays in-depth information about Oracle Trace behavior.

Review the one or more EPC log files in the ORACLE_HOME subdirectories. The messages from the server are prefixed with EPC and found in the EPC_ERROR.LOG file. The messages from the client are prefixed with EPCW.
This text file provides more information than the error message displayed to the screen.

For general information about causes and actions for most Oracle Trace messages, see the Oracle Enterprise Manager Messages Manual.

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