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Creating, Formatting, and Deleting Collections

This chapter describes creating, formatting, and deleting Oracle Trace collections. In particular, the following topics are covered:

Creating Collections

You create Oracle Trace collections using the Oracle Trace Collection Wizard. The Collection Wizard helps you define and schedule an Oracle Trace collection. To access the wizard, do one of the following:

The Collection Wizard prompts you only for the information it needs. This means that creating a collection is context-sensitive. If the node has already been established, you will skip to step 3.

If you are at the top of the tree list (the word Collection is highlighted) and you click the Create Collection toolbar button, the Introduction page of the Oracle Trace Collection Wizard displays, as shown in Figure 3-1.

Figure 3-1: Introduction Page of Oracle Trace Collection Wizard
The information you enter in the Collection Wizard pages defines the collection parameters. Each step in the wizard gathers information based on the input from the previous step. The Collection Wizard prompts you for information in the following order:

server nodes


event sets

output (collection definition files and data files)

collection schedule

advanced scheduling options

data format

advanced formatting options

Click the Next button to start the definition of the collection.

Step 1: Select Server Nodes

In step 1, you select the server node (see Figure 3-2). If the server node can be determined by the context in which the Create Collection was activated, the Collection Wizard skips this page.

Figure 3-2: Step 1 - Server Nodes

Trace Server Nodes

These are the server nodes that contain valid Oracle installations for running Oracle Trace collections. Select from this list to identify the node where the collection is to be run.

Step 2: Choose Installation

In step 2, you choose which Oracle installation you would like the collection to use (see Figure 3-3).

You see this page only if you have more than one ORACLE_HOME installation that has Oracle Trace installed. Otherwise, you will not be prompted with this page. The discovery mechanism locates all the ORACLE_HOME installations on a node. Each ORACLE_HOME installation represents a different version of the Oracle products.

Figure 3-3: Step 2 - Installations
Also, an Oracle installation contains a compatible set of instrumented products. Oracle Trace collections can run on multiple products; however, the products must all belong to one Oracle installation.


This list shows all available Oracle installations for the selected node.

Installed Products

This is a read-only list showing the products available for the currently selected installation.

Step 3: Select Event Sets

In step 3, you select the event sets you want to use (see Figure 3-4). An event set is a grouping of events.

Figure 3-4: Step 3 - Event Sets


This is a list of available products and databases that are instrumented for the selected node and Oracle installation. Event sets can be chosen from one or more products and databases to define the collection. Only one event set can be chosen per product or database.

Event Set

This is a list of event sets for the particular product or database. You may select one event set per product or database, or no event sets if the product/database is not to be part of the collection. Select the event set value you want to use.

Event Set Description

The Event Set Description describes the event set selected.

Step 4: Name Collection Definition File

In step 4, Oracle Trace provides a default name of the collection definition file in which to store the results of the collection (see Figure 3-5). You can either accept the default or change the name.

Figure 3-5: Step 4 - Output

Collection Name

If you do not accept the default name, specify a name of up to 16 characters for the collection. There are no character restrictions. Both the collection name and the collection definition file name must be unique on the node where you are collecting the data.

Collection Results File

By default, the collection file has the same name as the collection with .cdf (collection definition file) appended. The complete file specification is $ORACLE_HOME/otrace/admin/cdf/name.cdf where name is what was in the Collection Name field. However, this may not be true of non-UNIX systems. The name can be up to 8 characters in length.


You also have the option of providing a description of this new collection.

At this point, you can click the Finish button. If you do, Oracle Trace takes all the defaults for scheduling and formatting information. These will be displayed on the Summary page (see Figure 3-10).

Step 5: Schedule the Collection

In step 5, you have the opportunity both to define the maximum length (in megabytes) of the collection definition file (.cdf) and to provide scheduling information (see Figure 3-6).

Figure 3-6: Step 5 - Scheduling

Maximum File Size

If you specify a maximum file size, the collection will terminate once the file size is reached, even if other scheduling criteria has not been met. Oracle Corporation recommends that you set this parameter if you have a disk space limitation. The default is not to set the maximum file size.

Collection to Run Immediately?

Checking this box signifies you want the collection to run immediately. This is the default.


Use a whole number to define this parameter.


Use a whole number to define this parameter. The default is 30 minutes.


Click the Advanced... button to display the advanced scheduling options, as described in the next section. If you do not choose to run the collection immediately, you need supply the advanced scheduling options.

Advanced Scheduling Options

The Advanced Scheduling Options page allows you to schedule the execution of the collection (see Figure 3-7).

Figure 3-7: Advanced Scheduling Options Page


Select the frequency with which you want the collection executed. The choices are:

Start Execution

Choose the first date and time that you want the collection executed. This is the starting time for any collection scheduled on an interval.

End Execution

Choose the last date and time that you want the collection executed. This option does not apply if you chose the Immediately or Once execution options.

Time Zone

Select the time zone from the pull-down list. The choices are:

Step 6: Select Formatting Option

In step 6, you have the option of automatically formatting your collection data to an Oracle database when the collection ends (see Figure 3-8).

Figure 3-8: Step 6 - Formatting


Choose Yes if you want to format your collection to a database when the collection is completed. This is the default.


Choose No if you do not want to format your collection to a database when the collection is completed.


If you chose Yes, provide the name of the database where you want your formatted data to reside.

Override Preferred Credentials

You can also override preferred credentials. These credentials identify the default format option to be used in the Collection Wizard.

Oracle Trace determines the preferred credentials in the following order. The search continues until one of the criteria is met.

Oracle Trace preferences

Oracle Enterprise Manager preferred credentials for that node

Login information ¯ connection information supplied when logging in to Oracle Enterprise Manager

Change the preferred credentials by providing the appropriate Username and Password. You can define your preferred credentials using Edit=>Preferences.


Click the Advanced button to display the advanced formatting options, as described in the next section.

Advanced Formatting Options

In the Advanced Formatting Options dialog box, you have the opportunity to have Oracle Trace either format the entire collection results file or format only unformatted data. See Figure 3-9.

Figure 3-9: Advanced Formatting Options Page


Choose this option if you want to format the entire collection results file.

If you have already formatted part of the data and then you format the entire results, you get duplicate records. If you do not ask for the entire file, you get only the records that were not already formatted.


Choose this option if you want to format only unformatted data. This is the default. By specifying this option, you can examine data as it is collected. You do not have to wait for the entire collection results to be formatted before you can look at the data.

Commit Interval

You can define the commit interval into the database. The shorter the interval, the longer it will take the collection to format. Also, the larger the commit interval, the larger the rollback segment needs to be for the commit operation to succeed. The default is 2500 inserts before a commit is made.

Summary Page

The Oracle Trace Collection Wizard Summary page summarizes all the information you entered while using the Oracle Trace Collection Wizard (see Figure 3-10).

Figure 3-10: Summary Page
The summarized properties are:

If, while reviewing the Summary page, you find options you want to change, click the Back button to make the necessary changes.

Once you are satisfied with the information, click the Submit button to start the collection process.

Creating Like Collections

This option allows you to use existing collections by copying them and making the needed changes. This makes it easier for you to schedule collections by using a previous collection as a template and changing only a few items, rather than specifying everything, every time.

In the tree list of the Oracle Trace main window, click the collection on which you want to use to base your new collection. Choose Collection=>Create Like... This starts the Collection Wizard. Make the changes you need, following the steps previously outlined in this chapter.

Stopping Collections

Stopping a collection terminates the data collection. You can create reports with the data using the procedure described in the Chapter 4, Producing Reports and Formatting Data.

To stop a collection:

Select a collection name from the Oracle Trace main window.

Choose Collection=>Stop or select the Stop Collection icon in the toolbar.
Stopped collections have a status of "Stopped" in the Oracle Trace main window.

Formatting Collections

This option allows you to format your collection. From the Oracle Trace main window, choose Collection=>Format and provide the following information:


Provide the name of the database where you want your formatted data to reside.

Override Preferred Credentials

You can also override preferred credentials. These credentials identify the default format option to be used.

Oracle Trace determines the preferred credentials in the following order. The search continues until one of the criteria is met.

Oracle Trace preferences

Oracle Enterprise Manager preferred credentials for that node

Login information ¯ Connection information supplied when logging in to Oracle Enterprise Manager

Change the preferred credentials by providing the appropriate Username and Password. You can define your preferred credentials using Edit=>Preferences.

Format Options

Decide the commit interval you want and whether you want partial format of the data, that is, process data that has not previously been formatted.

Deleting Collection Entries

To delete a collection entry from the Oracle Trace main window, select the entry and choose Collection=>Delete. When you take this action, the Delete Collection dialog box displays.

The default is to delete everything, all collection files and all formatted data files. However, by clicking the Advanced button, you can choose which formatted data files you want to delete.

If you do not delete the collection files and the formatted data files, Oracle Trace Manager deletes only the record. You will not see the General, Output, Schedule, and Progress pages for this collection. This also leaves the collection files and formatted data files for you to delete manually at a later time.

For information about deleting formatted data for a collection, see Deleting Formatted Data on page 4-6.

Deleting Formatted Data

To delete formatted data, choose Collection=>Delete Formatted Data. This displays a list of locations where data has been formatted to.


If data has been formatted a number of times to the same database, selecting one location will delete all formatted data relating to that collection in that selected database.

Deleting Collection Files

To delete the files associated with a collection, first select a collection name in the Oracle Trace main window. Then choose Collection=>Delete Collection Files.

This deletes the collection definition file (.cdf) and the data (.dat) file.

It does not delete the entire collection entry from the Oracle Trace main window, only the name listed in the Collection Definition File column.

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