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Producing Reports and Formatting Data

Oracle Trace provides formatting and reporting options that let you present your collected data in the way most useful to you.

This chapter covers the following topics:

The Oracle Trace reporting and formatting activities described in this chapter are performed using a command line interface on the server node where the data was collected. The only exception to this is the Delete Formatted Data function, which is performed using the Oracle Trace Manager.

Producing Oracle Trace Reports

The default Oracle Trace report is the Detail report. The Detail report is designed to help instrumenters analyze and debug their instrumentation. The Detail report displays statistics for all items associated with every occurrence of every event for every product involved in the collection. Detail reports can be extremely large.

Enter the following command at the system prompt to produce a Detail report. Replace collection.cdf with the name of your collection definition file on the node where the collection ran.

otrcrep [output_path] [-pwl] [-P] [-h] [-s] [-a] collection.cdf
If you do not specify any of the optional parameters, the otrcrep command creates a separate report for every event type found in the data file. Each resulting .txt filename takes the form of the collection name followed by the event name.

The reporter formats the data into a text file. The default report type is the Detail report. The optional Detail report parameters are as follows:


Specifies a full output path for the report files. If an output path is not specified, the report files are placed in the current directory.


Determines the type and number of reports created. To create a report for a specific process ID, specify the ID. For example, specifying <collection name> -p1234.txt produces a .txt file prefixed with a collection name, p, and followed by the process ID. The file shows every event logged by that process, in chronological order.

To create a separate report for every process found in the data file, use the -p option without a number. Each resulting .txt filename takes the form of a collection name and P followed by a process ID (<collection name>P<pid>.txt). Each file shows every event logged by the corresponding process, in chronological order.


Sets the report width. Specifying -w132 creates a report with a width of 132 characters. The default width is 80 characters.


Sets the number of lines before a page break. The default is 63.


Produces a Process report called PROCESS.txt that lists all the processes that participated in the collection and products registered for those processes. You could produce this report first to determine the specific processes for which you might want to produce more detailed reports.


Suppresses all event and item report headers, resulting in a shorter report. Use of this parameter requires that you understand what is being reported and in what format, as there are no identifying headers.


This parameter is for use with SQL*Net data only. If used in combination with -p and -h, the reports produced are similar to those produced by the SQL*Net tracing mechanism.


Produces a report containing all the events for all products in the order they occur in the data collection file (.dat) file. The report is a text display of all items for all events.

Using Oracle Trace Data with Other Reporting Tools

If you want to perform queries against your Oracle Trace data or use it with a reporting tool such as Oracle Reports, you must first format the data to an Oracle7 Server database.

The format status of a collection is listed in the Partial Format column in the Output page of the Collection Summary window. The possible statuses are:


All the data in the file has been formatted.


A portion of the data was formatted while the collection was still in progress.

No status listed

None of the data has been formatted.

Preparing Oracle Trace Formatted Data

To format data to an Oracle database, formatter tables must be created. Preferably, this should be done at post-installation time by the person who installed Oracle Trace. If it was not done at post-installation time, it can be done any time before formatting data for the first time. The script used to create formatter tables is located on the client in $ORACLE_HOME\otrace73\admin.

Take the following steps to create formatter tables:

Start the Server Manager from the Oracle Enterprise Manager program group.

Connect to the administrator account.

Create a user account.

Disconnect from the administrator account.

Connect to the new user account you just created.

Execute @otrcfmtc to create the formatter tables.

Exit the Server Manager.
It is possible to maintain multiple sets of formatted data by creating formatter tables under more than one Oracle user account. You can also format multiple collections into the same set of tables.

You can format Oracle Trace data using either the Oracle Trace Manager or the command line interface.

Formatting Data Using the Oracle Trace Manager

To format data using the Oracle Trace Manager, do the following:

Select a collection name from the Oracle Trace Collection Summary window.

Select Collection=>Format or click the Format Collection button in the toolbar. The Format Collection dialog box is displayed. Fill in the information as follows:


Enter a connect string or service name for the database. Entering nothing will use the default database.


Enter the Oracle username under which the Oracle Trace formatter tables were created.


Enter the password for the Username.

Commit Interval

Enter a number. The Commit Interval is the number of inserts made into the database before a commit is performed. A value is required in this field. The default is 2500.

Partial Format

Choose this option only if you want to process data that has not previously been formatted. This is useful for situations in which you want to format data for a collection while that collection is still in progress.

Click OK. When the collection is formatted, the status is listed in the Format column in the Collection Summary window.

Formatting Data Using the Command Line Interface

Enter the following command at the system prompt to format your data file. Replace collection.cdf with the name of your collection definition file.

otrcfmt [-f] [-c#] collection.cdf [user/password@database]
The optional formatting parameters are defined as follows:


Formats the entire data file, regardless of whether or not portions of the file have been formatted at some previous time. This is useful if you have data that was previously formatted to another database and you want to format it to a new database.

If you omit the -f parameter from the command line, only data that has not previously been formatted is processed. This is useful for situations in which you want to format data for a collection while that collection is still in progress. You can later format only new data for the collection by omitting the -f parameter from the command line.


Specifies the commit interval (the number of inserts into the database performed before a commit is made). If you omit the -c parameter, a system default is used.


Specifies the username, password, and database. Descriptions of these items are in the following list. If you do not enter this information on the command line, you are prompted for it.


Enter the Oracle username under which the Oracle Trace formatter tables were created, or enter the owner of a schema containing formatter tables.


Enter the password for the username.


Enter a connect string or service name for the database. Do not enter a system identifier (SID). If you enter nothing, Oracle Trace will use the default database.
For more information on the format, see Appendix C, Oracle Trace Format Database.

Deleting Formatted Data

Because formatted data takes up a lot of space in the database, you may want to regularly delete formatted data. Deletion of formatted data is performed using the Oracle Trace Manager as follows:

Select a collection name from the Oracle Trace Collection Summary window.

Select the Collection=>Delete Formatted Data or the Delete Formatted Data icon in the toolbar.
The Delete Formatted Data function deletes rows of data for a specific collection from the formatter database tables. Although it deletes the contents of event tables, it leaves the event tables themselves intact. This is because re-creating them would be time-consuming for the formatter.


The Delete Formatted Data function will not work correctly on formatter tables created with the version of otrcfmtc.sql that shipped with Oracle Server release 7.3.2 or earlier. If data already exists in old formatter tables and you wish to delete it, run the otrcfmtd.sql script on the server: $ORACLE_HOME/otrace/admin.

Querying Formatted Data

Oracle Trace provides several sample SQL scripts that demonstrate how you might make useful queries against your formatted data. They fall into the general categories of optimizing report performance, generic reports, and specialized reports, as described in the following sections. On the client, these scripts are located in $ORACLE_HOME\otrace73\admin\sample.


For example purposes, the scripts described in the following sections use Oracle7 Server events and data.

The Oracle Enterprise Manager program group contains an icon for the Oracle SQL Worksheet. Invoking the worksheet is one method you can use to open, edit, and execute the Oracle Trace sample scripts.

Optimizing Report Performance

To optimize report performance, Oracle Trace recommends that you:

Each of these topics is discussed in the following sections.

Defining Indexes

Because formatted data tables can have thousands of rows, defining indexes, as shown in this section, will improve reporting performance.

For information on how the event table names (shown in parentheses) are derived, see Tables for Collected Event Data on page C-7.

In the following recommendation, if you have only one formatted collection per schema, you can omit the collection_number.

Connects (V_192216243_F_5_E_1_7_3):  
collection_number, session_index, session_serial

Disconnects (V_192216243_F_5_E_2_7_3):
collection_number, session_index, session_serial

RowSource (V_192216243_F_5_E_6_7_3):
collection_number, session_index, session_serial, cursor_number

SQLSegment (V_192216243_F_5_E_7_7_3):
collection_number, sql_text_hash (view by SQL statement)
collection_number, session_index, session_serial, cursor_number
(view by user session)

Parse (V_192216243_F_5_E_8_7_3):
collection_number, sql_text_hash_end (view by SQL statement)
collection_number, session_index_end, session_serial_end, cursor_number_end
(view by user session)

Execution (V_192216243_F_5_E_9_7_3):
collection_number, sql_text_hash_end (view by SQL statement)
collection_number, session_index_end, session_serial_end, cursor_number_end
(view by user session)

Fetch (V_192216243_F_5_E_10_7_3):
collection_number, sql_text_hash_end (view by SQL statement)
collection_number, session_index_end, session_serial_end, cursor_number_end
(view by user session)

Logical Txn (V_192216243_F_5_E_11_7_3):
collection_number, session_index_end, session_serial_end

Physical Txn (V_192216243_F_5_E_12_7_3):
collection_number, session_index_end, session_serial_end, tx_id_end

Wait (V_192216243_F_5_E_13_7_3):
collection_number, session_index, session_serial

Defining Synonyms

To ensure uniqueness among table names, the Oracle Trace formatter uses a specific formula that incorporates as much information as necessary to derive unique names. As a result, table names can be quite long.

The otrcsyn.sql script creates simpler names for the tables created by the otrcfmt command. Before executing this file, you should edit it to use synonyms appropriate to your environment.

rem synonyms for the tables created by otrcfmt for Server data
create synonym connects for v_192216243_f_5_e_1_7_3; 
create synonym disconnects for v_192216243_f_5_e_2_7_3;
create synonym errorstacks for v_192216243_f_5_e_3_7_3;
create synonym applregs for v_192216243_f_5_e_5_7_3;
create synonym rowsources for v_192216243_f_5_e_6_7_3;
create synonym segments for v_192216243_f_5_e_7_7_3;
create synonym parses for v_192216243_f_5_e_8_7_3;
create synonym executions for v_192216243_f_5_e_9_7_3;
create synonym fetches for v_192216243_f_5_e_10_7_3;
create synonym logtxns for v_192216243_f_5_e_11_7_3;
create synonym phystxns for v_192216243_f_5_e_12_7_3;
create synonym waits for v_192216243_f_5_e_13_7_3;
rem synonyms for the tables created by otrcfmt for SQL*Net data
create synonym user_t for v_192216243_f_115_e_1_v2_3; 
create synonym admin_t for v_192216243_f_115_e_1_v2_3;
create synonym dev_t for v_192216243_f_115_e_1_v2_3;
create synonym hex_t for v_192216243_f_115_e_1_v2_3;
create synonym time_t for v_192216243_f_115_e_1_v2_3;
create synonym pkt_t for v_192216243_f_115_e_1_v2_3;
create synonym cf3_t for v_192216243_f_115_e_1_v2_3;
create synonym datapkt_t for v_192216243_f_115_e_1_v2_3;
create synonym conpkt_t for v_192216243_f_115_e_1_v2_3;
create synonym rdpkt_t for v_192216243_f_115_e_1_v2_3;
create synonym rfpkt_t for v_192216243_f_115_e_1_v2_3;
create synonym fatal_t for v_192216243_f_115_e_1_v2_3;
create synonym error_t for v_192216243_f_115_e_1_v2_3;
For a description of the formula used to create event table names, see Tables for Collected Event Data on page C-7.

Defining the Elapsed Function

The otrcfunc.sql script defines an elapsed function that makes it easier to calculate elapsed time for duration events. Without this elapsed function, it would be more difficult to calculate elapsed time because timestamps are split across two fields. The timestamp field contains everything down to seconds. The timestamp_nano field contains fractions of a second. The number of nanos per second is stored in the MS_GRANULARITY field of the COLLECTION table and varies by platform. To solve this, the elapsed function created by otrcfunc.sql calculates elapsed time in units of seconds.

The following otrcfunc.sql script is also a prerequisite to some of the other scripts.

(coll_name VARCHAR2,
start_time DATE,
start_nanos NUMBER,
end_time DATE,
end_nanos NUMBER)
ms_units NUMBER; -- # nanos per second
nanos NUMBER;
new_end_time DATE;
time NUMBER;
seconds NUMBER;
SELECT ms_granularity INTO ms_units FROM collection
WHERE collection_name = coll_name;
new_end_time := end_time;
nanos := end_nanos - start_nanos;
IF nanos < 0 THEN
new_end_time := end_time - (1/(60*60*24)); -- subtract 1 second
nanos := (ms_units + end_nanos) - start_nanos;
time := new_end_time - start_time; -- in units of days
seconds := time * (60*60*24); -- days * seconds/day
seconds := seconds + (nanos/ms_units);
The collection name is necessary to obtain the number of units in the nanos fields. When using this script, substitute the name of your collection as appropriate.

The following is an example of how to call the elapsed function:

select avg(elapsed('oracle7',
x.timestamp_start, x.timestamp_nano_start,
x.timestamp_end, x.timestamp_nano_end))
from v_192216243_f_5_e_9_7_3 x, collection c
where c.collection_name = 'oracle7' and
c.collection_id = x.collection_number;

Generating Summary Data for Each Statement

Assembling summary data about SQL statement executions can be resource-intensive. To optimize report performance, Oracle Trace recommends that you create a table of summary data once rather than reconstructing it with every query.

The otrcdtl.sql script creates and populates a table containing summary data for each SQL statement. Statements are uniquely identified by the sql_text_hash field. The table contains data for the parses, executions, and fetches performed for each statement. The data spans user sessions, because multiple users can execute the same statement.

You must create the elapsed function by executing otrcfunc.sql before executing otrcdtl.sql.

You should create a separate detail table for each collection. To provide the table name and collection name, either let the script prompt you for the names or use the SQL DEFINE command as follows:

SQL>DEFINE CLLCTN <collection name>
DTL_TABLE_NAME is the name of the table to create. CLLCTN is the name of the collection from which to summarize the data. Once you provide values for DTL_TABLE_NAME and CLLCTN, they will be used throughout your session unless you override them with other DEFINE commands.

The otrcdtl.sql script is lengthy; if you wish to see it in more detail, it is located in $ORACLE_HOME/otrace/demo on the UNIX server and in $ORACLE_HOME\otrace73\admin\sample on the client.

Generic Report Templates

The scripts discussed in this section perform generic queries; that is, you can substitute your own values in them to produce reports meaningful to you. The sample scripts shown use the table names created by the otrcfmt command, rather than synonyms.

To provide the collection name, either let the script prompt you for the name or use the SQL DEFINE command as follows:

SQL>DEFINE CLLCTN <collection name>
Once you provide a value for CLLCTN, it will be used throughout your session unless you override it with another DEFINE command.

Generating an Occurrence Report

The following example shows how to create a report of data sorted by the overall number of times an event occurred.

Reporting the Number of Connection Events

The otrcrpt1.sql script reports the number of connection events per system username. Substitute your own collection name.

select session_index, session_serial, count(*) "# SQL statements" 
from v_192216243_f_5_e_7_7_3 e, epc_collection c
where c.collection_name = '&&cllctn' and
c.collection_id = e.collection_number
group by session_index, session_serial;

Generating Frequency Reports

The examples in this section show how to create reports of data sorted by frequency of occurrence during a specified time interval.

Reporting the Frequency of Wait Events

The otrcrpt2.sql script reports the frequency of wait events per minute. You can change the interval to hours (HH) or seconds (SS) rather than minutes (MI) by changing the date format in the trunc functions.

select to_char(trunc(w.timestamp, 'MI'), 'DD-MON-YY HH24:MI') "Interval",
w.description "Cause of Wait",
count(*) "Frequency"
from v_192216243_f_5_e_13_7_3 w, epc_collection c
where c.collection_name = '&&cllctn' and
c.collection_id = w.collection_number
group by trunc(w.timestamp, 'MI'), w.description;

Reporting the Frequency of Logical Transactions

The otrcrpt3.sql script reports the frequency of logical transactions ending per second. Substitute your own collection name.

select to_char(t.timestamp_end, 'DD-MON-YY HH24:MI:SS') "Interval",
count(*) "Frequency"
from v_192216243_f_5_e_11_7_3 t, epc_collection c
where c.collection_name = '&&cllctn' and
c.collection_id = t.collection_number
group by timestamp_end;

Generating Statistical Reports

The examples in this section show how to create reports of data sorted by statistical criteria.

Analyzing Resource Wait Times

The otrcrpt4.sql script analyzes resource wait times. Substitute your own collection name.

select w.description "Cause of Wait",
min(w.wait_time) "Min Wait Time",
max(w.wait_time) "Max Wait Time",
avg(w.wait_time) "Avg Wait Time",
count(*) "Number of Waits"
from v_192216243_f_5_e_13_7_3 w, epc_collection c
where c.collection_name = '&&cllctn' and
c.collection_id = w.collection_number
group by description;

Reporting Summary Performance Data

The otrcrpt5.sql script provides a statistical summary of performance data for the execute event. Other data of possible interest for the execute event could include consistent_gets, physical_reads, redo_entries, redo_size, sort_memory, sort_disk, and sort_rows.

select min (db_block_change_end - db_block_change_start) "Min Block Changes",
max (db_block_change_end - db_block_change_start) "Max Block Changes",
avg (db_block_change_end - db_block_change_start) "Avg Block Changes",
min(t_scan_rows_got_end - t_scan_rows_got_start) "Min Table Scan Rows",
max(t_scan_rows_got_end - t_scan_rows_got_start) "Max Table Scan Rows",
avg(t_scan_rows_got_end - t_scan_rows_got_start) "Avg Table Scan Rows",
count(*) "Number of Executes"
from v_192216243_f_5_e_9_7_3, epc_collection c 
where c.collection_name = '&&cllctn' and
c.collection_id = collection_number;

Specialized Reports

The scripts described in this section perform a specific function. They cannot be tailored as the generic scripts can.

Analyzing SQL Library Cache Performance

The otrcrpt6.sql script analyzes SQL library cache performance. This can be done in two ways:

To determine which statements have been swapped in and out of the library cache, query the SQL Segment event table using the statement identifier. (The event table is v_192216243_f_5_e_7_7_3.)

-- select sql_text from v_192216243_f_5_e_7_7_3 
-- where sql_text_hash = <SQL ID>;

Analyzing Fetches and Rows per Cursor Execution

The otrcrpt7.sql script analyzes the number of fetches and rows per cursor execution.

CREATE TABLE fetches_temp 
(session_index NUMBER,
session_serial NUMBER,
cursor_number NUMBER,
sql_text_hash NUMBER,
frequency NUMBER,
rows_fetched NUMBER);
INSERT INTO fetches_temp (session_index, session_serial, 
cursor_number, sql_text_hash)
SELECT DISTINCT f.session_index_end, f.session_serial_end,
f.cursor_number_end, f.sql_text_hash_end
FROM v_192216243_f_5_e_10_7_3 f, epc_collection c
WHERE c.collection_name = '&&cllctn' and
c.collection_id = f.collection_number;

UPDATE fetches_temp t
SET frequency = (SELECT count(*)
FROM v_192216243_f_5_e_10_7_3 f, epc_collection c
WHERE t.session_index = f.session_index_end
and t.session_serial = f.session_serial_end
and t.cursor_number = f.cursor_number_end
and c.collection_name = '&&cllctn'
and c.collection_id = f.collection_number),
rows_fetched = (SELECT sum(f.row_count_end)
FROM v_192216243_f_5_e_10_7_3 f, epc_collection c
WHERE t.session_index = f.session_index_end
and t.session_serial = f.session_serial_end
and t.cursor_number = f.cursor_number_end
and c.collection_name = '&&cllctn'
and c.collection_id = f.collection_number);

SELECT min(frequency) "Min Fetches",
max(frequency) "Max Fetches",
avg(frequency) "Avg Fetches",
min(rows_fetched) "Min Rows",
max(rows_fetched) "Max Rows",
avg(rows_fetched) "Avg Rows",
count(*) "Cursors"
FROM fetches_temp;

SELECT s.sql_text "Stmts fetched single row"
FROM v_192216243_f_5_e_7_7_3 s, fetches_temp t, epc_collection c
WHERE t.rows_fetched = 1
and t.sql_text_hash = s.sql_text_hash
and c.collection_name = '&&cllctn'
and c.collection_id = s.collection_number;
drop table fetches_temp;

Reporting the Number of Executions per Command Type

The otrcrpt8.sql script uses the tables created by otrcdtl.sql and counts the number of executions per command type. This can provide a rough estimate of database activity. Refer to the Oracle7 Server Reference Manual for a description of command types.

select d.cmd_type, count(x.session_serial_end) "# Execs"
from &&dtl_table_name d, v_192216243_f_5_e_9_7_3 x
where d.sql_text_hash = x.sql_text_hash_end and
d.sql_text_hash <> 0
group by d.cmd_type;

SQL*Net User Events for a Database Session

Output from the otrcrpt9.sql script lists all the events for a particular database session. The script prompts for session index (s_idx), session serial number (s_sn), and collection name (&&cllctn) if the variables have not been defined. The session index and the session serial number are used to identify the database session.

select function_id, probe_id
from v_192216243_f_115_e_1_v2_3 u, epc_collection c
where c.collection_name = '&&cllctn' and
c.collection_id = u.collection_number and
u.cross_fac_3 = (select distinct t.cross_fac_3_start
from v_192216243_f_5_e_11_7_3 t
where t.session_index_start = &&s_idx and
t.session_serial_start = &&s_sn and
t.collection_number = u.collection_number);

SQL*Net Event Names

The otrcrpta.sql script displays all user, admin, dev, error, and fatal events in the order of their occurrence. This script prompts for the collection name if cllctn is not already defined.

select 'User' EVENT, epid, to_char(timestamp, 'DD-MON-YY HH24:MI') timestamp, 
       timestamp_nano, function_id, probe_id, message
from v_192216243_f_115_e_1_v2_3 u, epc_collection c
where c.collection_name = '&&cllctn' and
c.collection_id = u.collection_number
select 'Admin' EVENT, epid, to_char(timestamp, 'DD-MON-YY HH24:MI') timestamp,
       timestamp_nano, function_id, probe_id, message
from v_192216243_f_115_e_2_v2_3 a, epc_collection c
where c.collection_name = '&&cllctn' and
c.collection_id = a.collection_number
select 'Dev' EVENT, epid, to_char(timestamp, 'DD-MON-YY HH24:MI') timestamp,
timestamp_nano, function_id, probe_id, message
from v_192216243_f_115_e_3_v2_3 d, epc_collection c
where c.collection_name = '&&cllctn' and
c.collection_id = d.collection_number
select 'Error' EVENT, epid, to_char(timestamp, 'DD-MON-YY HH24:MI') timestamp,
       timestamp_nano, function_id, probe_id, message
from v_192216243_f_115_e_12_v2_3 r, epc_collection c
where c.collection_name = '&&cllctn' and
c.collection_id = r.collection_number
select 'Fatal' EVENT, epid, to_char(timestamp, 'DD-MON-YY HH24:MI') timestamp,
       timestamp_nano, function_id, probe_id, message
from v_192216243_f_115_e_13_v2_3 f, epc_collection c
where c.collection_name = '&&cllctn' and
c.collection_id = f.collection_number
order by timestamp, timestamp_nano;

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