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Creating Product Definitions

This chapter explains how to create product definitions for an application. The following topics are covered:

Running Oracle Trace in Administrative Mode

The create and edit product definition functions are available only in the Administrative mode of Oracle Trace. If the Oracle Trace main window does not have the Product=>Edit and Product=>Create menu options, you must take the following steps to run Oracle Trace in Administrative mode:

Highlight the Oracle Trace icon in the Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM) program group.

Choose File=>Properties...

In the Command Line field, append /a at the end of the line. For example,

Click OK.

Launch Oracle Trace using this program item rather than through Oracle Enterprise Manager.
The Administrative mode allows you to run Oracle Trace without running Oracle Enterprise Manager.

What Is a Product Definition?

A product definition is a file that describes a single event set for a product. You cannot collect data for a product unless there is at least one product definition file (.fdf) for the product.

If you are using a product that was instrumented before you began using it, at least one product definition file should already exist. Product definition files can be found in $ORACLE_HOME/otrace/admin on the server machine.

If you have developed and instrumented your own product, you need to create a product definition file for it, using the directions given in this chapter.

Create Product Property Page

To create a product definition file, select Product=>Create on the Oracle Trace main window. The Create Product property page is displayed, as shown in Figure 7-1.

Figure 7-1: Create Product Property Page
Enter the following information in the appropriate fields:

Product Name

The maximum length is 20 characters. Any combination of the characters a to z and 0 to 9 is acceptable, beginning with a letter. If you create a product definition with the same name as an existing product definition file, you will be prompted whether you want to replace the file. If you say no, you will return to the Create Product property page to either provide a different name or cancel the operation.


Any printable string up to 10 characters. It must match exactly the version specified in the instrumentation call to the epc_init routine.


A product number, unique within the vendor. Each vendor manages its own product IDs. For example, vendor XYZ can assign whatever numbers it wants to its products as long as the same number is not used for more than one product within the company.


A unique number that identifies the vendor who developed the product for which you are collecting data. The vendor ID number is the same as the network ID section of the vendor's internet address. The section of a vendor's internet address that is considered to be the network ID depends upon whether the internet address is an event set A, B, or C address.

For example, a sample event set A address is For event set A addresses, the network ID is the first section of the address, in this case 16. Therefore, the vendor ID is 16.

A sample event set B internet address is For event set B addresses, the network ID is made up of the first two sections, in this case, 128.3. Therefore, the vendor ID is 1283.

Oracle Corporation uses event set C internet addresses. A sample event set C address is For event set C addresses, the network ID is made up of the first three sections of the address, in this case, 192.216.243. Therefore, the Oracle vendor ID is 192216243.

Vendors who do not have an internet address can obtain one by contacting the Network Information Center (NIC) located at SRI International. Addresses are available even to vendors who do not plan to join the internet. See the UNIX System Administration Handbook, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1989, for details on obtaining an internet address.


A string description for the product. The maximum length is 39 characters.

Because more than one product can have the same product number, Oracle Trace requires that you specify both the vendor number and the product number when you create product definitions. This ensures unique product definitions.

To assign events, items, and event sets to your product definition file, use the directions given in the following sections.

Adding Items to a Product Definition

To add items to a product definition, select the Items tab in the Create Product property page. The Items property page is displayed in Figure 7-2.

Figure 7-2: Items Property Page
Select the Add button. The Add Item dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 7-3.

Figure 7-3: Add Item Dialog Box
Information must be provided for all of the following items:

The form this information must take is described in the following sections.

Item Name

The Item Name is a text string of up to 15 characters. Any combination of the characters a to z and 0 to 9 is acceptable, beginning with a letter.

Item Number

The Item Number is an integer between 1 and 512 that specifies a unique identifier for the item. Numbers 129 to 149 are reserved for Oracle Trace. Once a number has been assigned to an item, it cannot be modified.


The comment is a text string of up to 39 characters that gives a brief description of the item. It is only shown in the Administration mode of Oracle Trace Manager; it will not appear in any reports.

Usage Type

The Usage Type specifies how the data is to be used. The usage type choices are described in Table 7-1.
Table 7-1: Usage Types
Usage Type



The data indicates the current value of some metric (for example, a Form ID). The value remains the same for the duration of the event.


The data is used as a running count or total. Its value either always increases or always decreases for the duration of the event.


The data indicates a percentage of some value, with lower and upper limits of 0 and 100 respectively.


Text characters

MSB Code and MSB Code & Params

Codes used in conjunction with an external precompiled MSB file to allow applications to fetch language-independent message strings. (MSB is an Oracle internal product.) You supply the name of the MSB file in the MSB Path Edit dialog box. (To display the MSB dialog box, select the MSB Path button in the Items page of the Create Product dialog box.) You can supply just the filename or the full path. If you do not supply a path, Oracle Trace uses a default location.

An MSB code is an unsigned 4-byte datatype with no parameters.

An MSB code with parameters is an ASCIW datatype. The parameters are format strings used to convert variable datatypes that follow.


Product-defined data that does not fall into one of the other usage types.


The datatype for the item can be any of the following:

See User-Defined Buffer on page 8-4 for additional information regarding datatypes.

Maximum Length

An integer that specifies the maximum size, in bytes, of the ASCIC, FIXED_ASCIC, ASCIL, and ASCIW datatypes. These are the only datatypes for which a maximum length is required.

Data Format

Specifies the item, for report purposes, as being either text or a numerical value using a base system of decimal, hexadecimal, or octal.

Column Header

A character string from 1 to 15 characters in length that specifies a heading to display for this item in any reports you generate.

Column Width

An integer that specifies the width of the column to use when displaying item values in a report.


This is a toggle switch rather than a field to be filled in. It specifies whether or not the contents of an item can be displayed in an Oracle Trace report. The ASCIL datatype can be used to store large data items you may not want to print.

Interpret CRLF

This is a toggle switch rather than a field to be filled in. It specifies whether or not Oracle Trace should search the string for a carriage return (CR) and line-feed (LF) combination for line-wrapping purposes.

If a carriage return and line-feed are found contiguously, the text of the item is wrapped, and all wrap counters are reset. If a single carriage return or line-feed is found, the text wraps when displayed, but the wrap counters are not reset. This can cause the output to wrap in unexpected places.

Editing Items

To edit an item's description, select the item from the Product Items list box and select the Edit/View button. The guidelines for each field are the same as for adding a new item, except that existing information is displayed for you to edit.

Removing Items from a Product Definition

To remove an item from a product definition, select the item from the Product Items list box in the Items page of the Create Product dialog box and select the Remove button.

You cannot delete an item if it is part of an event or if is defined by Oracle Trace.


MSB is an Oracle internal product. MSB codes are used in conjunction with an external precompiled MSB file to allow applications to fetch language-independent message strings. An MSB code is an unsigned 4-byte datatype with no parameters. An MSB code with parameters is an ASCIW datatype. The parameters are format strings used to convert variable datatypes that follow.

To display the MSB dialog box, shown in Figure 7-4, select the MSB Path button in the Items page of the Create Product dialog box (see Figure 7-2). This button is active only when the usage type is a MSB usage type.

Figure 7-4: MSB Path Edit Dialog Box

MSB Product Name Path

Supply the name of the MSB file. You can supply either just the filename or the full path. If you do not supply a path, Oracle Trace uses a default location.

MSB Product Definition Name

Supply the three-letter facility that message mechanisms use to identify the products.

Adding Events

To work with events, select the Events tab from the Create Product property page. The Events property page is displayed, as shown in Figure 7-5.

Figure 7-5: Events Property Page
From here you can do the following:

Adding Duration Events

To add duration events, select the Add Duration button. The Add Duration Event dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 7-6.

Figure 7-6: Add Duration Event Dialog Box
The following information must be provided for all events:

Event Number

Enter an event number in the Event Number field. It should be an integer between 1 and 128 that uniquely identifies the event. Event numbers should be assigned sequentially, if possible. Once a number is assigned to an event, the number cannot be modified.

Event Name

Enter an event name in the Event Name field. Any combination of the characters a to z and 0 to 9 is acceptable, beginning with a letter. The maximum length is 15 characters.

Report Header

Enter a report header in the Report Header field. This is a text string up to 15 characters in length that specifies a heading to display for this event in any reports you generate with Oracle Trace.

Comment (optional)

Enter a text string of up to 39 characters that describes the event. This string appears only in the Administration component of Oracle Trace Manager; it will not appear in a report.

Start Event Items and/or End Event Items

To assign specific items to this event, select items from the Available Items list box. Then do one of the following:


When you collect standard resource utilization items, Oracle Corporation recommends collecting the same items on both the start and end events. This allows Oracle Trace to calculate usage over the duration of the event by subtracting the start value from the end value.

Removing Start Event and End Event Items

To remove Start Event and End Event items from a duration event, select the item name in the Start Event Items or End Event Items list box and click the Remove button.

Ordering Event Items

Once items have been added to the Start Event Items or End Event Items list boxes, their order can be changed within the list. This allows you to specify the event record order.

Select an item in either list box and use the up and down arrows to move the item up or down in the list.

Adding Point Events

To add point events, select the Add Point button. The Add Point Event dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 7-7.

Figure 7-7: Add Point Event Dialog Box
The following information must be provided for all events:

Event Number

Enter an event number in the Event Number field. It should be an integer between 1 and 128 that uniquely identifies the event. Event numbers should be assigned sequentially, if possible. Once a number is assigned to an event, the number cannot be modified.

Event Name

Enter an event name in the Event Name field. Any combination of the characters a to z and 0 to 9 is acceptable, beginning with a letter. The maximum length is 15 characters.

Comment (optional)

Enter a text string of up to 39 characters that describes the event. This string appears only in the Administration component of Oracle Trace Manager; it will not appear in a report.

Report Header

Enter a report header in the Report Header field. This is a text string up to 15 characters in length that specifies a heading to display for this event in any reports you generate.

Event Items

To assign specific items to this event, select items from the Available Items list box and then select the >> button. The items you choose are displayed in the Event-Specific Items list box.

Removing Event-Specific Items

To remove an item from a point event, select it from the Event-Specific Items list box and click the << button.

Ordering Event Items

Once items have been added to the Start Event Items or End Event Items list boxes, their order can be changed within the list. This allows you to specify the event record order.

Select an item in either list box and use the up and down arrows to move the item up or down in the list.

Editing Events

To edit events, select an event name from the Product Events list box in the Events page of the Create Product dialog box and select the Edit/View button. The guidelines for each field are the same as when adding a new event, except that existing information is displayed for you to edit.

Removing Events from a Product Definition

To remove an event from a product definition, select the event from the Product Events list box of the Events page of the Create Product dialog box and select the Remove button.

You cannot remove an event if it is currently part of an event set. This protects you from inadvertently deleting an event for which you still want to collect data. Oracle Trace displays an error message if you try to do this.

Adding Event Sets to a Product Definition

To create an event set for a product definition, select the Event Sets tab in the Create Product property page. The Event Sets property page is displayed in Figure 7-8.

Figure 7-8: Event Sets Property Page
Existing event sets are listed in the Product Event Sets list box. The All event set is always the first event set listed; it cannot be deleted.

To define an event set, select the Add button in the Event Sets property page. The Add Event Set dialog box is displayed in Figure 7-9.

Figure 7-9: Add Event Set Dialog Box
The following information must be provided for all event sets:

Event Set Name

The event set name must be a 1- to 31-character string, unique within the context of the product definition.

Event Set File Path

In the Event Set File Path field, specify the full path location of the event set. Use the Browse button to search for a pathname.

Event Set Specific Events

In the Events list box, select an event. Then click the Add button to add it to the Event Set Specific Events list box.

Event Set Specific Event Items

If you want to collect only certain items for an event, select the event from the Event Set Specific Events list box and click the Show Items button. The items specific to that event are displayed in the Event Specific Items list box. Select the items that you want as part of the event for this event set and click the Add button. The items will be displayed in the Event Set Specific Event Items list box.

Removing Events from an Event Set

To remove events from an event set, select an event from the Event Set Specific Events list box and then select the Remove button.

To keep an event as part of a event set, but remove specific items from the event, select the item from the Event Set Specific Event Items list box and then click the Remove button.

Editing Event Sets for a Product Definition

To edit an event set definition, select an event set name from the Product Event Sets list box in the Event Sets page of the Create Product dialog box and select the Edit/View button. The steps are then the same as when adding a new event set, except that existing information is displayed for you to edit.

Removing Event Sets from a Product Definition

To remove an event set from a product definition, select the event set from the Product Event Sets list box in the Event Sets page of the Create Product dialog box and select the Remove button.

Editing Existing Product Definitions

To edit an existing set of product definitions, choose Product=>Edit. This displays an Open File dialog box, which allows you to select one or more product definition files (.fdf).


You should always edit all product definitions files for a product at the same time because item and event information for the entire product is replicated in each file. If one product definition file is modified by itself, it will not be in synchronization with all the other files. This will cause inconsistent results when running Oracle Trace on different event sets within the same product.

After selecting all the product definition files for a product, click the OK button. This brings up the Edit Product dialog box, which is the same as the Create Product dialog box except that the existing product information has been filled in. Proceed as described in earlier sections in this chapter, except use the Edit function to modify existing items, events, and event sets.

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