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This chapter contains descriptions of the static data dictionary tables and views. To see the current data dictionary on your system, query the view DICTIONARY.

See Chapter 3, "Dynamic Performance (V$) Tables," for descriptions of the V$ views.

In Trusted Oracle7 Server, each of the dictionary tables and views contains the column that indicates the label of each row in the table or view. There are also additional dictionary tables and views, some of which have additional columns.

For more information about Trusted Oracle7 data dictionary views, see the Trusted Oracle7 Server Administrator's Guide.

Data Dictionary Views

The following is an alphabetical reference of the data dictionary views accessible to all users of an Oracle Server. Most views can be accessed by any user with the CREATE_SESSION privilege.

The data dictionary views that begin with DBA_ are restricted. These views can be accessed only by users with the SELECT_ANY_TABLE privilege. This privilege is assigned to the DBA role when the system is initially installed.


This view lists all tables, views, synonyms, and sequences accessible to the user.

This Column Represents This
OWNER Owner of the object
TABLE_NAME Name of the object
TABLE_TYPE Type of the object


This view lists comments on columns of accessible tables and views.

This Column Represents This
OWNER Owner of the object
TABLE_NAME Name of the object
COLUMN_NAME Name of the column
COMMENTS Comment on the column


This view lists grants on columns for which the user or PUBLIC is the grantee.

This Column Represents This
GRANTOR Name of the user who performed the grant
GRANTEE Name of the user to whom access was granted
TABLE_SCHEMA Schema of the object
TABLE_NAME Name of the object
COLUMN_NAME Name of the column
PRIVILEGE Privilege on the column
GRANTABLE YES if the privileges was granted with ADMIN OPTION; otherwise NO


This view lists grants on columns for which the user is owner or grantor.

This Column Represents This
GRANTEE Name of the user to whom access was granted
OWNER Username of the owner of the object
TABLE_NAME Name of the object
COLUMN_NAME Name of the column
GRANTOR Name of the user who performed the grant
PRIVILEGE Privilege on the column
GRANTABLE YES if the privilege was granted with ADMIN OPTION; otherwise NO


This view lists grants on columns for which the user or PUBLIC is the grantee.

This Column Represents This
GRANTEE Name of the user to whom access was granted
OWNER Username of the owner of the object
TABLE_NAME Name of the object
COLUMN_NAME Name of the object
GRANTOR Name of the user who performed the grant
PRIVILEGE Privilege on the column
GRANTABLE YES if the privilege was granted with ADMIN OPTION; otherwise NO ALL_CONSTRAINTS


This view lists constraint definitions on accessible tables.

This Column Represents This
OWNER Owner of the constraint definition
CONSTRAINT_NAME Name associated with the constraint definition
CONSTRAINT_TYPE Type of constraint definition: C (check constraint on a table), P (primary key), U (unique key), R (referential integrity), or V (with check option, on a view)
TABLE_NAME Name associated with table with constraint definition
SEARCH_CONDITION Text of search condition for table check
R_OWNER Owner of table used in referential constraint
R_CONSTRAINT_NAME Name of unique constraint definition for referenced table
DELETE_RULE Delete rule for a referential constraint: CASCADE / NO ACTION
STATUS Status of constraint: ENABLED or DISABLED


This view contains information about accessible columns in constraint definitions.

This Column Represents This
OWNER Owner of the constraint definition
CONSTRAINT_NAME Name associated with the constraint definition
TABLE_NAME Name associated with table with constraint definition
COLUMN_NAME Name associated with column specified in the constraint definition
POSITION Original position of column in definition


This view lists database links accessible to the user.

This Column Represents This
OWNER Username of the owner of the database link
DB_LINK Name of the database link
USERNAME Name of user when logging in
HOST SQL*Net string for connect
CREATED Creation time of the database link


This view contains default object-auditing options that will be applied when objects are created.

This Column Represents This


This view lists dependencies between objects accessible to the user.

This Column Represents This
OWNER Owner of the object
NAME Name of object
REFERENCED_OWNER Owner of the parent object
REFERENCED_TYPE Type of referenced object
REFERENCED_ LINK_NAME Name of the link to the parent object (if remote)


This view lists current errors on all objects accessible to the user.

This Column Represents This
OWNER Owner of the object
NAME Name of the object
SEQUENCE Sequence number, for ordering
LINE Line number at which this error occurs
POSITION Position in the line at which this error occurs
TEXT Text of the error


This view lists histograms on columns of all tables visible to the user.

This Column Datatype Represents This
OWNER VARCHAR2(30) Owner of table
TABLE_NAME VARCHAR2(30) Table name
COLUMN_NAME VARCHAR2(30) Column name
ENDPOINT_VALUE NUMBER Normalized endpoint values for this bucket


This view contains descriptions of indexes on tables accessible to the user. To gather statistics for this view, use the SQL command ANALYZE.

This Column Represents This
OWNER Username of the owner of the index
STATUS State of the index: DIRECT LOAD or VALID
INDEX_NAME Name of the index
TABLE_OWNER Owner of the indexed object
TABLE_NAME Name of the indexed object
TABLE_TYPE Type of the indexed object
UNIQUENESS Uniqueness status of the index: UNIQUE or NONUNIQUE
TABLESPACE_NAME Name of the tablespace containing the index
INI_TRANS Initial number of transactions
MAX_TRANS Maximum number of transactions
INITIAL_EXTENT Size of the initial extent
NEXT_EXTENT Size of secondary extents
MIN_EXTENTS Minimum number of extents allowed in the segment
MAX_EXTENTS Maximum number of extents allowed in the segment
PCT_INCREASE Percentage increase in extent size
FREELISTS Number of process freelists allocated to this segment
PCT_FREE Minimum percentage of free space in a block
BLEVEL B-Tree level: depth of the index from its root block to its leaf blocks. A depth of 0 indicates that the root block and leaf block are the same.
LEAF_BLOCKS Number of leaf blocks in the index
DISTINCT_KEYS Number of distinct indexed values. For indexes that enforce UNIQUE and PRIMARY KEY constraints, this value is the same as the number of rows in the table (USER_TBLES.NUM_ROWS)
AVG_LEAF_ BLOCKS_PER_KEY Average number of leaf blocks in which each distinct value in the index appears. This statistic is rounded to the nearest integer. For indexes that enforce UNIQUE and PRIMARY KEY constraints, this value is always 1.
AVG_DATA_ BLOCKS_PER_KEY Average number of data blocks in the table that are pointed to by a distinct value in the index. This statistic is the average number of data blocks that contain rows that contain a given value for the indexed columns. This statistic is rounded to the nearest integer.
CLUSTERING_ FACTOR Statistic that represents the amount of order of the rows in the table based on the values of the index. If its value is near the number of blocks, then the table is very well ordered. In such a case, the index entries in a single leaf block tend to point to rows in the same data blocks. If its value is near the number of rows, then the table is very randomly ordered. In such a case, it is unlikely that index entries in the same leaf block point to rows in the same data blocks.


This view lists columns of the indexes on accessible tables.

This Column Represents This
INDEX_OWNER Index owner
INDEX_NAME Index name
TABLE_OWNER Table or cluster owner
TABLE_NAME Table or cluster name
COLUMN_NAME Column name
COLUMN_POSITION Position of column within index
COLUMN_LENGTH Indexed length of the column


This is a Trusted Oracle7 Server view that lists system labels.

For more information, see the Trusted Oracle7 Server Administrator's Guide.


This is a Trusted Oracle7 Server view that lists mounted databases.

For more information, see the Trusted Oracle7 Server Administrator's Guide.


This view lists objects accessible to the user.

This Column Represents This
OWNER Username of the owner of the object
OBJECT_NAME Name of the object
OBJECT_ID Object number of the object
OBJECT_TYPE Type of the object
CREATED Timestamp for the creation of the object
LAST_DDL_TIME Timestamp for the last modification of the object resulting from a DDL command (including grants and revokes)
TIMESTAMP Timestamp for the creation of the object (character data)
STATUS Status of the object: VALID, INVALID, or N/A


This view lists all the refresh groups that the user can touch.

This Column Represents This
ROWNER Name of the owner of the refresh group
RNAME Name of the refresh group
REFGROUP Internal identifier of refresh group
IMPLICIT_DESTROY Y or N; if Y, then destroy the refresh group when its last item is subtracted
JOB Identifier of job used to refresh the group automatically
NEXT_DATE Date that this job will next be refreshed automatically, if not broken
INTERVAL A date function used to compute the next NEXT_DATE
BROKEN Y or N; Y means the job is broken and will never be run


This view lists all the objects in refresh groups, where the user can touch the group.

This Column Represents This
OWNER Owner of the object in the refresh group
NAME Name of the object in the refresh group
TYPE Type of the object in the refresh group
ROWNER Name of the owner of the refresh group
RNAME Name of the refresh group
REFGROUP Internal identifier of refresh group
IMPLICIT_DESTROY Y or N; if Y, then destroy the refresh group when its last item is subtracted
JOB Identifier of job used to refresh the group automatically
NEXT_DATE Date that this job will next be refreshed automatically, if not broken
INTERVAL A date function used to compute the next NEXT_DATE
BROKEN Y or N; Y means the job is broken and will never be run


This view lists descriptions of sequences accessible to the user.

This Column Represents This
SEQUENCE_OWNER Name of the owner of the sequence
SEQUENCE_NAME Sequence name
MIN_VALUE Minimum value of the sequence
MAX_VALUE Maximum value of the sequence
INCREMENT_BY Value by which sequence is incremented
CYCLE_FLAG Does sequence wrap around on reaching limit
ORDER_FLAG Are sequence numbers generated in order
CACHE_SIZE Number of sequence numbers to cache
LAST_NUMBER Last sequence number written to disk. If a sequence uses caching, the number written to disk is the last number placed in the sequence cache. This number is likely to be greater than the last sequence number that was used.


This view lists all snapshots accessible to the user.

This Column Represents This
OWNER Owner of the snapshot
NAME Name of the view used by users and applications for viewing the snapshot
TABLE_NAME Table the snapshot is stored in. This table has an extra column for the master rowid.
MASTER_VIEW View of the master table, owned by the snapshot owner, used for refreshes
MASTER_OWNER Owner of the master table
MASTER Name of the master table of which this snapshot is a copy
MASTER_LINK Database link name to the master site
CAN_USE_LOG YES if this snapshot can use a snapshot log, NO if this snapshot is too complex to use a log
UPDATABLE Specifies whether the snapshot is updatable. TRUE if updatable, FALSE if not.
LAST_REFRESH Date and time at the master site of the last refresh
ERROR The number of failed automatic refreshes since last successful refresh
TYPE Type of refresh for all automatic refreshes: COMPLETE, FAST, FORCE
NEXT Date function used to compute next refresh dates
START_WITH Date function used to compute next refresh dates
REFRESH_GROUP All snapshots in a given refresh group get refreshed in the same transaction
UPDATE_TRIG The name of the trigger that fills the UPDATE_LOG
UPDATE_LOG The table that logs changes made to an updatable snapshots
QUERY Original query of which this snapshot is an instantiation


This view lists the text source of all stored objects accessible to the user.

This Column Represents This
OWNER Owner of the object
NAME Name of the object
LINE Line number of this line of source
TEXT Text source of the stored object


This view lists all synonyms accessible to the user.

This Column Represents This
OWNER Owner of the synonym
SYNONYM_NAME Name of the synonym
TABLE_OWNER Owner of the object referenced by the synonym
TABLE_NAME Name of the object referenced by the synonym
DB_LINK Name of the database link referenced, if any


This view contains descriptions of tables accessible to the user. To gather statistics for this view, use the SQL command ANALYZE.

This Column Represents This
OWNER Owner of the table
TABLE_NAME Name of the table
TABLESPACE_NAME Name of the tablespace containing the table
CLUSTER_NAME Name of the cluster, if any, to which the table belongs
PCT_FREE Minimum percentage of free space in a block
PCT_USED Minimum percentage of used space in a block
INI_TRANS Initial number of transactions
MAX_TRANS Maximum number of transactions
INITIAL_EXTENT Size of the initial extent in bytes
NEXT_EXTENT Size of secondary extents in bytes
MIN_EXTENTS Minimum number of extents allowed in the segment
MAX_EXTENTS Maximum number of extents allowed in the segment
PCT_INCREASE Percentage increase in extent size
FREELISTS Number of process freelists allocated to this segment
FREELIST_GROUPS Number of freelist groups allocated to this segment
BACKED_UP Has table been backed up since last change
NUM_ROWS Number of rows in the table
BLOCKS Number of used data blocks in the table
EMPTY_BLOCKS Number of empty (never used) data blocks in the table
AVG_SPACE Average amount of free space, in bytes, in a data block allocated to the table
CHAIN_CNT Number of rows in the table that are chained from one data block to another, or which have migrated to a new block, requiring a link to preserve the old rowid
AVG_ROW_LEN Average length of a row in the table in bytes
DEGREE The number of threads per instance for scanning the table
INSTANCES The number of instances across which the table is to be scanned
CACHE Whether the table is to be cached in the buffer cache


This view lists the columns of all tables, views, and clusters accessible to the user. To gather statistics for this view, use the SQL command ANALYZE.

This Column Represents This
OWNER Owner of the table, view or cluster
TABLE_NAME Table, view, or cluster name
COLUMN_NAME Column name
DATA_TYPE Datatype of the column
DATA_LENGTH Length of the column in bytes
DATA_PRECISION Decimal precision for NUMBER datatype; binary precision for FLOAT datatype, NULL for all other datatypes
DATA_SCALE Digits to right of decimal point in a number
NULLABLE Specifies whether a column allows NULLs. Value is N if there is a NOT NULL constraint on the column or if the column is part of a PRIMARY KEY.
COLUMN_ID Sequence number of the column as created
DEFAULT_LENGTH Length of default value for the column
DATA_DEFAULT Default value for the column
NUM_DISTINCT Number of distinct values in each column of the table
LOW_VALUE HIGH_VALUE The lowest and highest values in the column. These statistics are expressed in hexadecimal notation for the internal representation of the first 32 bytes of the values.
DENSITY The density of the column (a measure of how distinct the values are). This is calculated as the sum of occurrences2/elements_sampled2 for each distinct value in the column.


This view lists comments on tables and views accessible to the user.

This Column Represents This
OWNER Owner of the object
TABLE_NAME Name of the object
TABLE_TYPE Type of the object
COMMENTS Comment on the object


This view lists the grants on objects for which the user or PUBLIC is the grantee.

This Column Represents This
GRANTOR Name of the user who performed the grant
GRANTEE Name of the user to whom access is granted
TABLE_SCHEMA Schema of the object
TABLE_NAME Name of the object
PRIVILEGE Privilege on the object
GRANTABLE YES if the privilege was granted with ADMIN OPTION; otherwise NO


This view lists user's grants and grants on user's objects.

This Column Represents This
GRANTEE Name of the user to whom access was granted
OWNER Owner of the object
TABLE_NAME Name of the object
GRANTOR Name of the user who performed the grant
PRIVILEGE Privilege on the object
GRANTABLE YES if the privilege was granted with ADMIN OPTION; otherwise NO


This view lists grants on objects for which the user or PUBLIC is the grantee.

This Column Represents This
GRANTEE Name of the user to whom access was granted
OWNER Owner of the object
TABLE_NAME Name of the object
GRANTOR Name of the user who performed the grant
PRIVILEGE Privilege on the object
GRANTABLE YES if the privilege was granted with ADMIN OPTION; otherwise NO


This view lists trigger information for triggers owned by the user, triggers on tables owned by the user, or all triggers if the user has the CREATE ANY TRIGGER privilege.

This Column Represents This
OWNER Owner of the trigger
TRIGGER_NAME Name of the trigger
TRIGGERING_EVENT Statement that fires the trigger: INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE
TABLE_OWNER Owner of the table on which the trigger is defined
TABLE_NAME Table on which the trigger is defined
REFERENCING_NAMES Names used for referencing OLD and NEW column values from within the trigger
WHEN_CLAUSE WHEN clause. Must evaluate to TRUE for TRIGGER_BODY to execute.
STATUS Whether the trigger is enabled: ENABLED or DISABLED
DESCRIPTION Trigger description. Useful for re-creating a trigger creation statement.
TRIGGER_BODY Statement(s) executed by the trigger when it fires


This view shows usage of columns in triggers owned by user, on tables owned by user, or on all triggers if the user has tech CREATE ANY TRIGGER privilege.

This Column Represents This
TRIGGER_OWNER Owner of the trigger
TRIGGER_NAME Name of the trigger
TABLE_OWNER Owner of the table on which the trigger is defined
TABLE_NAME Table on which the trigger is defined
COLUMN_NAME Name of the column used in the trigger
COLUMN_LIST Column specified in UPDATE clause: Y/N
COLUMN_USAGE How the column is used in the trigger. All applicable combinations of NEW, OLD, IN, OUT, and IN OUT.


This view contains a description of all columns that are updatable in a join view.

This Column Datatype Null? Represents This
OWNER VARCHAR2(30) not null Table owner
TABLE_NAME VARCHAR2(30) not null Table name
COLUMN_NAME VARCHAR2(30) not null Column name
UPDATABLE VARCHAR2(3) Is the column updatable?


This view contains information about all users of the database.

This Column Represents This
USERNAME Name of the user
USER_ID ID number of the user
CREATED User creation date


This view lists the text of views accessible to the user.

This Column Represents This
OWNER Owner of the view
VIEW_NAME Name of the view
TEXT_LENGTH Length of the view text
TEXT View text


This view contains descriptions for audit trail action type codes.

This Column Represents This
ACTION Numeric audit trail action type code
NAME Name of the type of audit trail action


This view is included for compatibility with Oracle version 5. Use of this view is not recommended.


This is a synonym for USER_CATALOG.


This view is the default table for the ANALYZE LIST CHAINED ROWS command.

This Column Represents This
OWNER_NAME Table owner
TABLE_NAME Table name
CLUSTER_NAME Cluster the table is in, if any
HEAD_ROWID RowID the chained row is accessed by
TIMESTAMP Date/time that the ANALYZE command was issued


This is a synonym for USER_CLUSTERS.


This view is accessed to create the ALL_OBJECT_SIZE, DBA_OBJECT_SIZE, and USER_OBJECT_SIZE views.


This view is accessed to create the ALL_OBJECT_SIZE, DBA_OBJECT_SIZE, and USER_OBJECT_SIZE views.


This view is included for compatibility with Oracle version 5. Use of this view is not recommended.


This is a synonym for USER_TAB_COLUMNS.


This view lists grants on columns for which the user is the grantor, grantee, or owner, or PUBLIC is the grantee.

This view is included for compatibility with Oracle version 6. Use of this view is not recommended.

This Column Represents This
GRANTEE Name of the user to whom access was granted
OWNER Username of the object's owner
TABLE_NAME Name of the object
COLUMN_NAME Name of the column
GRANTOR Name of the user who performed the grant
INSERT_PRIV Permission to insert into the column
UPDATE_PRIV Permission to update the column
REFERENCES_PRIV Permission to reference the column
CREATED Timestamp for the grant


This view contains information about incoming and outgoing connections for pending transactions.

This Column Represents This
LOCAL_TRAN_ID Local identifier of a transaction
IN_OUT IN for incoming connections, OUT for outgoing
DATABASE IN: client database name; OUT: outgoing database link
DBUSER_OWNER IN: name of local user; OUT: owner of database link
DBID The database ID at the other end of the connection
SESS# Session number at this database of the connection
BRANCH Transaction branch ID at this database of the connection


This view contains information about distributed transactions awaiting recovery.

This Column Represents This
LOCAL_TRAN_ID String of form: n.n.n; n is a number
GLOBAL_TRAN_ID Globally unique transaction ID
STATE Collecting, prepared, committed, forced commit, or forced rollback
MIXED YES => part of the transaction committed and part rolled back
ADVICE C for commit, R for rollback, else null
TRAN_COMMENT Text for "commit work comment text"
FAIL_TIME Value of SYSDATE when the row was inserted (tx or system recovery)
FORCE_TIME Time of manual force decision (null if not forced locally)
RETRY_TIME Time automatic recovery (RECO) last tried to recover the transaction
OS_USER Operating system-specific name for the end-user
OS_TERMINAL Operating system-specific name for the end-user terminal
HOST Name of the host machine for the end-user
DB_USER Oracle user name of the end-user at the topmost database
COMMIT# Global commit number for committed transactions


This view lists all the objects that have been analyzed.

This Column Represents This
OBJECT_NAME Name of the object
OBJECT_TYPE Type of the object


This view lists audit trail entries produced by AUDIT NOT EXISTS and AUDIT EXISTS.

This Column Represents This
OS_USERNAME Operating system login username of the user whose actions were audited
USERNAME Name (not ID number) of the user whose actions were audited
USERHOST Numeric instance ID for the Oracle instance from which the user is accessing the database
TERMINAL Identifier of the user's terminal
TIMESTAMP Timestamp for the creation of the audit trail entry
OWNER Intended creator of the non-existent object
OBJ_NAME Name of the object affected by the action
ACTION_NAME Name of the action type corresponding to the numeric code in the ACTION column in DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL
NEW_OWNER Owner of the object named in the NEW_NAME column
NEW_NAME New name of an object after a RENAME or the name of the underlying object
OBJ_PRIVILEGE Object privileges granted or revoked by a GRANT or REVOKE statement
SYS_PRIVILEGE System privileges granted or revoked by a GRANT or REVOKE statement
GRANTEE Name of grantee specified in a GRANT or REVOKE statement
SESSIONID Numeric ID for each Oracle session
ENTRYID Numeric ID for each audit trail entry in the session
STATEMENTID Numeric ID for each statement run
RETURNCODE Oracle Server message code generated by the action. Some useful values:
zero the action succeeded
2004 security violation


This view contains audit trail records for all objects in the system.

This Column Represents This
OS_USERNAME Operating system login username of the user whose actions were audited
USERNAME Name (not ID number) of the user whose actions were audited
USERHOST Numeric instance ID for the Oracle instance from which the user is accessing the database
TERMINAL Identifier of the user's terminal
TIMESTAMP Timestamp for the creation of the audit trail entry or login time for the CONNECT statement
OWNER Creator of the object affected by the action
OBJ_NAME Name of the object affected by the action
ACTION_NAME Name of the action type corresponding to the numeric code in the ACTION column in DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL
NEW_OWNER Owner of the object named in the NEW_NAME column
NEW_NAME New name of an object after a RENAME or the name of the underlying object
SES_ACTIONS Session summary (a string of 11 characters, one for each action type in the order ALTER, AUDIT, COMMENT, DELETE, GRANT, INDEX, INSERT, LOCK, RENAME, SELECT, and UPDATE. The characters are: - for none, S for success, F for failure, and B for both)
COMMENT_TEXT Text comment on the audit trail, inserted by the application
SESSIONID Numeric ID for each Oracle session
ENTRYID Numeric ID for each audit trail entry in the session
STATEMENTID Numeric ID for each statement run
RETURNCODE Oracle Server message code generated by the action. Some useful values:
zero the action succeeded
2004 security violation
PRIV_USED System privilege used to execute the action
OBJECT_LABEL Optional Trusted Oracle7 Server label associated with the object being audited
SESSION_LABEL Optional Trusted Oracle7 Server label associated with the session


This view lists all audit trail records concerning CONNECT and DISCONNECT.

This Column Represents This
OS_USERNAME Operating system login username of the user whose actions were audited
USERNAME Name (not ID number) of the user whose actions were audited
USERHOST Numeric instance ID for the Oracle instance from which the user is accessing the database
TERMINAL Identifier of the user's terminal
TIMESTAMP Timestamp for the creation of the audit trail entry or login time for the CONNECT statement
ACTION_NAME Name of the action type corresponding to the numeric code in the ACTION column in DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL
LOGOFF_TIME Timestamp for user logoff
LOGOFF_LREAD Logical reads for the session
LOGOFF_PREAD Physical reads for the session
LOGOFF_LWRITE Logical writes for the session
LOGOFF_DLOCK Deadlocks detected during the session
SESSIONID Numeric ID for each Oracle session
RETURNCODE Oracle Server message code generated by the action. Some useful values:
zero the action succeeded
2004 security violation
SESSION_LABEL Optional Trusted Oracle7 Server label associated with the session


This view lists audit trail records concerning GRANT, REVOKE, AUDIT, NOAUDIT, and ALTER SYSTEM statements.

This Column Represents This
OS_USERNAME Operating system login username of the user whose actions were audited
USERNAME Name (not ID number) of the user whose actions were audited
USERHOST Numeric instance ID for the Oracle instance from which the user is accessing the database
TERMINAL Identifier of the user's terminal
TIMESTAMP Timestamp for the creation of the audit trail entry or login time for the CONNECT statement
OWNER Creator of the object affected by the action
OBJ_NAME Name of object affected by the action
ACTION_NAME Name of the action type corresponding to the numeric code in the ACTION column in DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL
NEW_NAME New name of an object after a RENAME or the name of the underlying object
OBJ_PRIVILEGE Object privileges granted or revoked by a GRANT or REVOKE statement
SYS_PRIVILEGE System privileges granted or revoked by a GRANT or REVOKE statement
ADMIN_OPTION Signifies the role or system privilege was granted with ADMIN option
GRANTEE Name of grantee specified in a GRANT or REVOKE statement
AUDIT_OPTION Auditing option set with the AUDIT statement
SES_ACTIONS Session summary (a string of 11 characters, one for each action type in the order ALTER, AUDIT, COMMENT, DELETE, GRANT, INDEX, INSERT, LOCK, RENAME, SELECT, and UPDATE. The characters are: - for none, S for success, F for failure, and B for both)
COMMENT_TEXT Text comment on the audit trail, inserted by the application
SESSIONID Numeric ID for each Oracle session
ENTRYID Numeric ID for each audit trail entry in the session
STATEMENTID Numeric ID for each statement run
RETURNCODE Oracle Server message code generated by the action. Some useful values:
zero the action succeeded
2004 security violation
PRIV_USED System privilege used to execute the action
SESSION_LABEL Optional Trusted Oracle7 Server label associated with the session


This view lists all audit trail entries.

This Column Represents This
OS_USERNAME Operating system login username of the user whose actions were audited
USERNAME Name (not ID number) of the user whose actions were audited
USERHOST Numeric instance ID for the Oracle instance from which the user is accessing the database
TERMINAL Identifier of the user's terminal
TIMESTAMP Timestamp for the creation of the audit trail entry or login time for the CONNECT statement
OWNER Creator of the object affected by the action
OBJ_NAME Name of the object affected by the action
ACTION Numeric type code corresponding to the action
ACTION_NAME Name of the action type corresponding to the numeric code in the ACTION column
NEW_OWNER Owner of the object named in the NEW_NAME column
NEW_NAME New name of an object after a RENAME or the name of the underlying object
OBJ_PRIVILEGE Object privileges granted or revoked by a GRANT or REVOKE statement
SYS_PRIVILEGE System privileges granted or revoked by a GRANT or REVOKE statement
ADMIN_OPTION Signifies the role or system privilege was granted with ADMIN option
GRANTEE Name of grantee specified in a GRANT or REVOKE statement
AUDIT_OPTION Auditing option set with the AUDIT statement
SES_ACTIONS Session summary (a string of 11 characters, one for each action type in the order ALTER, AUDIT, COMMENT, DELETE, GRANT, INDEX, INSERT, LOCK, RENAME, SELECT, and UPDATE. The characters are: - for none, S for success, F for failure, and B for both)
LOGOFF_TIME Timestamp for user logoff
LOGOFF_LREAD Logical reads for the session
LOGOFF_PREAD Physical reads for the session
LOGOFF_LWRITE Logical writes for the session
LOGOFF_DLOCK Deadlocks detected during the session
COMMENT_TEXT Text comment on the audit trail entry, providing more information about the statement audited
SESSIONID Numeric ID for each Oracle session
ENTRYID Numeric ID for each audit trail entry in the session
STATEMENTID Numeric ID for each statement run
RETURNCODE Oracle Server message code generated by the action. Some useful values:
zero the action succeeded
2004 security violation
PRIV_USED System privilege used to execute the action
OBJECT_LABEL Optional Trusted Oracle7 Server label associated with the object being audited
SESSION_LABEL Optional Trusted Oracle7 Server label associated with the session


This view lists all sessions that have someone waiting on a lock they hold that are not themselves waiting on a lock.

This Column Represents This
SESSION_ID Session holding a lock


This view lists all database tables, views, synonyms, and sequences.

This Column Represents This
OWNER Owner of the object
TABLE_NAME Name of the object
TABLE_TYPE Type of the object


This view contains description of all clusters in the database.

This Column Represents This
OWNER Owner of the cluster
CLUSTER_NAME Name of the tablespace containing the cluster
TABLESPACE_NAME Name of the tablespace containing the cluster
PCT_FREE Minimum percentage of free space in a block
PCT_USED Minimum percentage of used space in a block
KEY_SIZE Estimated size of cluster key plus associated rows
INI_TRANS Initial number of transactions
MAX_TRANS Maximum number of transactions
INITIAL_EXTENT Size of the initial extent in bytes
NEXT_EXTENT Size of secondary extents in bytes
MIN_EXTENTS Minimum number of extents allowed in the segment
MAX_EXTENTS Maximum number of extents allowed in the segment
PCT_INCREASE Percentage increase in extent size
FREELISTS Number of process freelists allocated to this segment
FREELIST_GROUPS Number of freelist groups allocated to this segment
AVG_BLOCKS_PER_KEY Average number of blocks containing rows with a given cluster key
CLUSTER_TYPE Type of cluster: b-tree index or hash
FUNCTION If a hash cluster, the hash function
HASHKEYS If a hash cluster, the number of hash keys (hash buckets)
DEGREE The number of threads per instance for scanning the table
INSTANCES The number of instances across which the table is to be scanned
CACHE Whether the table is to be cached in the buffer cache


This view lists mappings of table columns to cluster columns.

This Column Represents This
OWNER Owner of the cluster
CLUSTER_NAME Cluster name
CLU_COLUMN_NAME Key column in the cluster
TABLE_NAME Clustered table name
TAB_COLUMN_NAME Key column in the table


This view lists comments on columns of all tables and views.

This Column Represents This
OWNER Name of the owner of the object
TABLE_NAME Name of the object
COLUMN_NAME Name of the column
COMMENTS Comment on the object


This view lists all grants on columns in the database.

This Column Represents This
GRANTEE Name of the user to whom access was granted
OWNER Username of the owner of the object
TABLE_NAME Name of the object
COLUMN_NAME Name of the column
GRANTOR Name of the user who performed the grant
PRIVILEGE Column privilege
GRANTABLE Privilege is grantable


This view contains constraint definitions on all tables.

This Column Represents This
OWNER Owner of the table
CONSTRAINT_NAME Name associated with constraint definition
CONSTRAINT_TYPE Type of constraint definition
TABLE_NAME Name associated with table with constraint definition
SEARCH_CONDITION Text of search condition for table check
R_OWNER Owner of table used in referential constraint
R_CONSTRAINT_NAME Owner of table used in referential constraint
DELETE_RULE The delete rule for a referential constraint
STATUS Enforcement status of constraint: ENABLED or DISABLED


This view contains information about accessible columns in constraint definitions.

This Column Represents This
CONSTRAINT_NAME Name associated with the constraint definition
TABLE_NAME Name associated with table with constraint definition
COLUMN_NAME Name associated with column specified in the constraint definition
POSITION Original position of column in definition


This view contains information about database files.

This Column Represents This
FILE_NAME Name of the database file
FILE_ID ID of the database file
TABLESPACE_NAME Name of the tablespace to which the file belongs
BYTES Size of the file in bytes
BLOCKS Size of the file in Oracle blocks
STATUS File status: AVAILABLE or INVALID (INVALID means that the file number is not in use, for example, a file in a tablespace that was dropped)


This view lists all database links in the database.

This Column Represents This
OWNER Owner of the database link
DB_LINK Name of the database link
USERNAME Name of user to log in as
HOST SQL*Net string for connect
CREATED Creation time of the database link


This view lists all DDL locks held in the database and all outstanding requests for a DDL lock.

This Column Represents This
SESSION_ID Session identifier
OWNER Owner of the lock
NAME Name of the lock
TYPE Lock type: Cursor, Table/Procedure, Body, Trigger, Index, Cluster
MODE_HELD Lock mode: None, Null, Share, Exclusive
MODE_REQUESTED Lock request type: None, Null, Share, Exclusive


This view lists dependencies to and from objects.

This Column Represents This
OWNER Owner of the object
NAME Name of the object
TYPE Type of the object
REFERENCED_OWNER Owner of referenced object (remote owner if remote object)
REFERENCED_NAME Name of referenced object
REFERENCED_TYPE Type of referenced object
REFERENCED_LINK_NAME Name of dblink if this is a remote object


This view lists all DML locks held in the database and all outstanding requests for a DML lock.

This Column Represents This
SESSION_ID Session holding or acquiring the lock
OWNER Owner of the lock
NAME Name of the lock
MODE_HELD Lock mode: see Table 2 - 1
MODE_REQUESTED Lock request type: see Table 2 - 1
The following table describes DML lock mode values that are valid for the MODE_HELD column.

Lock Mode Description
ROW-S (SS) Row share
ROW-X (SX) Row exclusive
S/ROW-X (SSX) Share row exclusive
NONE MODE_HELD: Lock requested, not yet obtained MODE_REQUESTED: Lock identifier obtained, lock not held or requested
Table 2 - 1. DML Lock Modes


This view contains statistics on coalesced space in tablespaces.

This Column Datatype Null? Represents This
TABLESPACE_NAME VARCHAR2(30) not null Name of tablespace
TOTAL_EXTENTS NUMBER Total number of free extents in tablespace
EXTENTS_COALESCED NUMBER Total number of coalesced free extents in tablespace
PERCENT_EXTENTS_ COALESCED NUMBER Percentage of coalesced free extents in tablespace
TOTAL_BYTES NUMBER Total number of free bytes in tablespace
BYTES_COALESCED NUMBER Total number of coalesced free bytes in tablespace
TOTAL_BLOCKS NUMBER Total number of free Oracle blocks in tablespace
BLOCKS_COALESCED NUMBER Total number of coalesced free Oracle blocks in tablespace
PERCENT_BLOCKS_ COALESCED NUMBER Percentage of coalesced free Oracle blocks in tablespace


This view lists current errors on all stored objects in the database.

This Column Represents This
OWNER The owner of the object
NAME Name of the object
SEQUENCE Sequence number used for ordering purposes
LINE Line number at which this error occurs
POSITION Position in the line at which this error occurs
TEXT Text of the error


This view contains a description of export files.

This Column Represents This
EXP_VERSION Version number of the export session
EXP_TYPE Type of export file: full, cumulative, or incremental
FILE_NAME Name of the export file
USER_NAME Name of user who executed export
TIMESTAMP Timestamp of the export session


This view lists objects that have been incrementally exported.

This Column Represents This
OWNER Owner of exported object
OBJECT_NAME Name of exported object
OBJECT_TYPE Type of exported object
CUMULATIVE Timestamp of last cumulative export
INCREMENTAL Timestamp of last incremental export
EXPORT_VERSION The ID of the export session


This view contains the version number of the last export session.

This Column Represents This
EXP_VERSION Version number of the last export session


This view lists the extents comprising all segments in the database.

This Column Represents This
OWNER Owner of the segment associated with the extent
SEGMENT_NAME Name of the segment associated with the extent
SEGMENT_TYPE Type of the segment
TABLESPACE_NAME Name of the tablespace containing the extent
EXTENT_ID Extent number in the segment
FILE_ID Name of the file containing the extent
BLOCK_ID Starting block number of the extent
BYTES Size of the extent in bytes
BLOCKS Size of the extent in Oracle blocks


This view lists the free extents in all tablespaces.

This Column Represents This
TABLESPACE_NAME Name of the tablespace containing the extent
FILE_ID ID number of the file containing the extent
BLOCK_ID Starting block number of the extent
BYTES Size of the extent in bytes
BLOCKS Size of the extent in Oracle blocks


This view lists histograms on columns of all tables.

This Column Datatype Represents This
OWNER VARCHAR2(30) Owner of table
TABLE_NAME VARCHAR2(30) Table name
COLUMN_NAME VARCHAR2(30) Column name
ENDPOINT_VALUE NUMBER Normalized endpoint values for this bucket


This view contains descriptions for all indexes in the database. To gather statistics for this view, use the SQL command ANALYZE.

This Column Represents This
AVG_LEAF_BLOCKS_PER_ KEY The average number of leaf blocks per key
AVG_DATA_BLOCKS_PER_ KEY The average number of data blocks per key
CLUSTERING_FACTOR A measurement of the amount of (dis)order of the table this index is for
STATUS Whether index is in Direct Load State
OWNER Username of the owner of the index
INDEX_NAME Name of the index
TABLE_OWNER Owner of the indexed object
TABLE_NAME Name of the indexed object
TABLE_TYPE Type of the indexed object
UNIQUENESS Uniqueness status of the index: UNIQUE or NONUNIQUE
TABLESPACE_NAME Name of the tablespace containing the index
INI_TRANS Initial number of transactions
MAX_TRANS Maximum number of transactions
INITIAL_EXTENT Size of the initial extent
NEXT_EXTENT Size of secondary extents
MIN_EXTENTS Minimum number of extents allowed in the segment
PCT_INCREASE Percentage increase in extent size
FREELISTS Number of process freelists allocated to this segment
PCT_FREE Minimum percentage of free space in a block
BLEVEL B-Tree level: depth of the index from its root block to its leaf blocks. A depth of 0 indicates that the root block and leaf block are the same.
LEAF_BLOCKS The number of leaf blocks in the index
DISTINCT_KEYS The number of distinct keys in the index


This view contains descriptions of the columns comprising the indexes on all tables and clusters.

This Column Represents This
INDEX_OWNER Index owner
INDEX_NAME Index name
TABLE_OWNER Table or cluster owner
TABLE_NAME Table or cluster name
COLUMN_NAME Column name
COLUMN_POSITION Position of column within index
COLUMN_LENGTH Indexed length of the column


This view lists all jobs in the database.

For more information, see the Oracle7 Server Administrator's Guide.

This Column Represents This
JOB Identifier of job. Neither import/export nor repeated executions change it.
LOG_USER USER who was logged in when the job was submitted
PRIV_USER USER whose default privileges apply to this job
SCHEMA_USER Default schema used to parse the job
For example, if the SCHEMA_USER is SCOTT and you submit the procedure HIRE_EMP as a job, Oracle looks for SCOTT.HIRE_EMP.
LAST_DATE Date that this job last successfully executed
LAST_SEC Same as LAST_DATE. This is when the last successful execution started.
THIS_DATE Date that this job started executing (usually null if not executing)
THIS_SEC Same as THIS_DATE. This is when the last successful execution started.
NEXT_DATE Date that this job will next be executed
NEXT_SEC Same as NEXT_DATE. The job becomes due for execution at this time.
TOTAL_TIME Total wallclock time spent by the system on this job, in seconds
BROKEN If Y, no attempt is made to run this job. See DBMS_JOBQ.BROKEN (JOB).
INTERVAL A date function, evaluated at the start of execution, becomes next NEXT_DATE
FAILURES How many times has this job started and failed since its last success?
WHAT Body of the anonymous PL/SQL block that this job executes
CURRENT_SESSION_LABEL Trusted Oracle7 Server label of the current session as seen by the job. Applies to Trusted Oracle7 Server only.
CLEARANCE_HI Highest level of clearance available to the job. Applies to Trusted Oracle7 Server only.
CLEARANCE_LO Lowest level of clearance available to the job. Applies to Trusted Oracle7 Server only.
NLS_ENV ALTER SESSION parameters describing the NLS environment of the job
MISC_ENV Other session parameters that apply to this job


This view lists all jobs in the database that are currently running. This view joins V$LOCK and JOB$.

This Column Represents This
SID Identifier of process that is executing the job. See V$LOCK [*].
JOB Identifier of job. This job is currently executing.
FAILURES How many times has this job started and failed since its last success?
LAST_DATE Date that this job last successfully executed
LAST_SEC Same as LAST_DATE. This is when the last successful execution started.
THIS_DATE Date that this job started executing (usually null if not executing)
THIS_SEC Same as THIS_DATE. This is when the last successful execution started.


This view lists all locks or latches held in the database, and all outstanding requests for a lock or latch.

This Column Represents This
SESSION_ID Session holding or acquiring the lock
TYPE Lock type
MODE HELD Lock mode
MODE REQUESTED Lock mode requested
LOCK_ID1 Type-specific lock identifier, part 1
LOCK_ID2 Type-specific lock identifier, part 2
DEGREE The number of threads per instance for scanning the cluster
INSTANCES The number of instances across which the cluster is to be scanned
CACHE Whether the cluster is to be cached in the buffer cache


This view lists all objects in the database.

This Column Represents This
OWNER Username of the owner of the object
OBJECT_NAME Name of the object
OBJECT_ID Object number of the object
OBJECT_TYPE Type of the object
CREATED Timestamp for the creation of the object
LAST_DDL_TIME Timestamp for the last DDL change (including GRANT and REVOKE) to the object
TIMESTAMP Timestamp for the specification of the object
STATUS Status of the object


This view lists the sizes, in bytes, of various PL/SQL objects.

This Column Represents This
OWNER Owner of the object
NAME Name of the object
SOURCE_SIZE Size of the source in bytes
PARSED_SIZE Size of the parsed form of the object in bytes
CODE_SIZE Code size in bytes
ERROR_SIZE Size of error messages in bytes


This view lists auditing options for all tables and views.

This Column Represents This
OWNER Owner of the object
OBJECT_NAME Name of the object
OBJECT_TYPE Type of the object


This view describes current system privileges being audited across the system and by user.

This Column Represents This
USER_NAME User name if by user auditing, else null for system-wide auditing
PRIVILEGE Name of the system privilege being audited
SUCCESS Mode for WHENEVER SUCCESSFUL system auditing


This view displays all profiles and their limits.

This Column Represents This
PROFILE Profile name
RESOURCE_NAME Resource name
LIMIT Limit placed on this resource for this profile


This view lists all the children in any refresh group.

This Column Represents This
REFGROUP Internal identifier of refresh group
OWNER Owner of the object in the refresh group
NAME Name of the object in the refresh group
TYPE Type of the object in the refresh group


This view lists all the refresh groups.

This Column Represents This
ROWNER Name of the owner of the refresh group
RNAME Name of the refresh group
REFGROUP Internal identifier of refresh group
IMPLICIT_DESTROY Y or N; if Y, then destroy the refresh group when its last item is removed
JOB Identifier of job used to refresh the group automatically
NEXT_DATE Date that this job will next be refreshed automatically, if not broken
INTERVAL A date function used to compute the next NEXT_DATE
BROKEN Y or N; Y means the job is broken and will never be run


This view lists all the objects in refresh groups.

This Column Represents This
OWNER Owner of the object in the refresh group
NAME Name of the object in the refresh group
TYPE Type of the object in the refresh group
ROWNER Name of the owner of the refresh group
RNAME Name of the refresh group
REFGROUP Internal identifier of refresh group
IMPLICIT_DESTROY Y or N; if Y, then destroy the refresh group when its last item is removed
JOB Identifier of job used to refresh the group automatically
NEXT_DATE Date that this job will next be refreshed automatically, if not broken
INTERVAL A date function used to compute the next NEXT_DATE
BROKEN Y or N; Y means the job is broken and will never be run


This view lists all refresh groups. This view is not a join.

This Column Represents This
REFGROUP Internal identifier of refresh group
OWNER Owner of the object in the refresh group
NAME Name of the object in the refresh group
IMPLICIT_DESTROY Y or N; if Y, then destroy the refresh group when its last item is removed
JOB Identifier of job used to refresh the group automatically


This view lists all roles that exist in the database.

This Column Represents This
ROLE Role name
PASSWORD_REQUIRED Indicates if the role requires a password to be enabled


This view lists roles granted to users and roles.

This Column Represents This
GRANTEE Grantee name, user or role receiving the grant
GRANTED_ROLE Granted role name
ADMIN_OPTION Grant was with the ADMIN option: YES/NO
DEFAULT_ROLE Role is designated as a DEFAULT ROLE for the user: YES/NO


This view contains descriptions of rollback segments.

This Column Represents This
SEGMENT_NAME Name of the rollback segment
OWNER Owner of the rollback segment
TABLESPACE_NAME Name of the tablespace containing the rollback segment
SEGMENT_ID ID number of the rollback segment
FILE_ID ID number of the file containing the segment head
BLOCK_ID ID number of the block containing the segment header
INITIAL_EXTENT Initial extent size in bytes
NEXT_EXTENT Secondary extent size in bytes
MIN_EXTENTS Minimum number of extents
MAX_EXTENTS Maximum number of extent
PCT_INCREASE Percent increase for extent size
STATUS Rollback segment status
INSTANCE_NUM Rollback segment owning parallel server instance number


This view contains information about storage allocated for all database segments.

This Column Represents This
OWNER Username of the segment owner
SEGMENT_NAME Name, if any, of the segment
TABLESPACE_NAME Name of the tablespace containing the segment
HEADER_FILE ID of the file containing the segment header
HEADER_BLOCK ID of the block containing the segment header
BYTES Size in bytes, of the segment
BLOCKS Size, in Oracle blocks, of the segment
EXTENTS Number of extents allocated to the segment
INITIAL_EXTENT Size in bytes of the initial extent of the segment
NEXT_EXTENT Size in bytes of the next extent to be allocated to the segment
MIN_EXTENTS Minimum number of extents allowed in the segment
MAX_EXTENTS Maximum number of extents allowed in the segment
PCT_INCREASE Percent by which to increase the size of the next extent to be allocated
FREELISTS Number of process freelists allocated to this segment
FREELIST_GROUPS Number of freelist groups allocated to this segment


This view contains descriptions of all SEQUENCEs in the database.

This Column Represents This
SEQUENCE_OWNER Name of the owner of the sequence
SEQUENCE_NAME Sequence name
MIN_VALUE Minimum value of the sequence
MAX_VALUE Maximum value of the sequence
INCREMENT_BY Value by which sequence is incremented
CYCLE_FLAG Does sequence wrap around on reaching limit?
ORDER_FLAG Are sequence numbers generated in order?
CACHE_SIZE Number of sequence numbers to cache
LAST_NUMBER Last sequence number written to disk


This view lists all snapshots in the database.

This Column Represents This
OWNER Owner of the snapshot
NAME The view used by users and applications for viewing the snapshot
TABLE_NAME Table the snapshot is stored in; has an extra column for the master rowid
MASTER_VIEW View of the master table, owned by the snapshot owner, used for refreshes
MASTER_OWNER Owner of the master table
MASTER Name of the master table of which this snapshot is a copy
MASTER_LINK Database link name to the master site
CAN_USE_LOG If NO, this snapshot is complex and will never use a log
UPDATABLE If NO, the snapshot is read only
LAST_REFRESH SYSDATE from the master site at the time of the last refresh
ERROR The number of failed automatic refreshes since last successful refresh
TYPE The type of refresh (complete, fast, force) for all automatic refreshes
NEXT The date function used to compute next refresh dates
START_WITH The date function used to compute next refresh dates
REFRESH_GROUP All snapshots in a given refresh group get refreshed in the same transaction
UPDATE_TRIG The name of the trigger that fills the UPDATE_LOG
UPDATE_LOG The table that logs changes made to an updatable snapshots
QUERY The original query of which this snapshot is an instantiation


This view lists all snapshot logs in the database.

This Column Represents This
LOG_OWNER Owner of the snapshot log
MASTER Name of the master table of which the log logs changes
LOG_TABLE Log table; holds rowids and timestamps of rows that changed in the master
LOG_TRIGGER An after-row trigger on the master which inserts rows into the log
CURRENT_SNAPSHOTS One date per snapshot; the date the snapshot of the master last refreshed


This view contains source of all stored objects in the database.

This Column Represents This
OWNER Owner of the object
NAME Name of the object
LINE Line number of this line of source
TEXT Source text


This view contains information which describes current system auditing options across the system and by user.

This Column Represents This
USER_NAME User name if by user auditing, else null for system-wide auditing
AUDIT_OPTION Name of the system auditing option
SUCCESS Mode for WHENEVER SUCCESSFUL system auditing


This view lists all synonyms in the database.

This Column Represents This
OWNER Username of the owner of the synonym
SYNONYM_NAME Name of the synonym
TABLE_OWNER Owner of the object referenced by the synonym
TABLE_NAME Name of the object referenced by the synonym
DB_LINK Name of the database link referenced in a remote synonym


This view lists system privileges granted to users and roles.

This Column Represents This
GRANTEE Grantee name, user, or role receiving the grant
PRIVILEGE System privilege
ADMIN_OPTION Grant was with the ADMIN option


This view contains descriptions of all tables in the database. To gather statistics for this view, use the SQL command ANALYZE.

This Column Represents This
EMPTY_BLOCKS The number of empty (never used) data blocks in the table
AVG_SPACE The average available free space in the table
CHAIN_CNT The number of chained rows in the table
AVG_ROW_LEN The average row length, including row overhead
DEGREE The number of threads per instance for scanning the table
INSTANCES The number of instances across which the table is to be scanned
CACHE Whether the table is to be cached in the buffer cache
OWNER Owner of the table
TABLE_NAME Name of the table
TABLESPACE_NAME Name of the tablespace containing the table
CLUSTER_NAME Name of the cluster, if any, to which the table belongs
PCT_FREE Minimum percentage of free space in a block
PCT_USED Minimum percentage of used space in a block
INI_TRANS Initial number of transactions
MAX_TRANS Maximum number of transactions
INITIAL_EXTENT Size of the initial extent in bytes
NEXT_EXTENT Size of secondary extents in bytes
MIN_EXTENTS Minimum number of extents allowed in the segment
MAX_EXTENTS Maximum number of extents allowed in the segment
PCT_INCREASE Percentage increase in extent size
FREELISTS Number of process freelists allocated to this segment
FREELIST_GROUPS Number of freelist groups allocated to this segment
BACKED_UP Has table been backed up since last modification?
NUM_ROWS The number of rows in the table
BLOCKS The number of used data blocks in the table


This view contains descriptions of all tablespaces.

This Column Represents This
TABLESPACE_NAME Tablespace name
INITIAL_EXTENT Default initial extent size
NEXT_EXTENT Default incremental extent size
MIN_EXTENTS Default minimum number of extents
MAX_EXTENTS Default maximum number of extents
PCT_INCREASE Default percent increase for extent size


This view contains information which describes columns of all tables, views, and clusters. To gather statistics for this view, use the SQL command ANALYZE.

This Column Represents This
OWNER Owner of the table, view, or cluster
TABLE_NAME Table, view, or cluster name
COLUMN_NAME Column name
DATA_TYPE Datatype of the column
DATA_LENGTH Length of the column in bytes
DATA_PRECISION Decimal precision for NUMBER datatype; binary precision for FLOAT datatype; NULL for all other datatypes
DATA_SCALE Digits to right of decimal point in a number
NULLABLE Does column allow NULL values?
COLUMN_ID Sequence number of the column as created
DEFAULT_LENGTH Length of default value for the column
NUM_DISTINCT The number of distinct values for the column
LOW_VALUE The smallest value for the column, expressed in hexadecimal notation for the internal representation of the first 32 bytes of the value
HIGH_VALUE The highest value for the column, expressed in hexadecimal notation for the internal representation of the first 32 bytes of the value
DENSITY The density of the column (a measure of how distinct the values are). The density is calculated as the sum of occurrences2/elements_sampled2 for each distinct value in the column.


This view contains comments on all tables and views in the database.

This Column Represents This
OWNER Owner of the object
TABLE_NAME Name of the object
TABLE_TYPE Type of the object
COMMENTS Comment on the object


This view lists all grants on objects in the database.

This Column Represents This
GRANTEE User to whom access was granted
OWNER Owner of the object
TABLE_NAME Name of the object
GRANTOR Name of the user who performed the grant
PRIVILEGE Table Privilege
GRANTABLE Privilege is grantable


This view lists all triggers in the database.

This Column Represents This
OWNER Owner of the trigger
TRIGGER_NAME Name of the trigger
TRIGGERING_EVENT Statement that will fire the trigger: INSERT, UPDATE and/or DELETE
TABLE_OWNER Owner of the table with which this trigger is associated
REFERENCING_NAMES Names used for referencing OLD and NEW values within the trigger
WHEN_CLAUSE WHEN clause must evaluate to true in order for triggering body to execute
STATUS If DISABLED, then trigger will not fire
DESCRIPTION Trigger description, useful for re-creating trigger creation statement
TRIGGER_BODY Action taken by this trigger when it fires


This view lists column usage in all triggers.

This Column Represents This
TRIGGER_OWNER Owner of the trigger
TRIGGER_NAME Name of the trigger
TABLE_OWNER Owner of the table
TABLE_NAME Name of the table on which the trigger is defined
COLUMN_NAME Name of the column used in trigger definition
COLUMN_LIST Is column specified in UPDATE OF clause?
COLUMN_USAGE Usage of column within trigger body


This view lists tablespace quotas for all users.

This Column Represents This
TABLESPACE_NAME Tablespace name
USERNAME User with resource rights on the tablespace
BYTES Number of bytes charged to the user
MAX_BYTES User's quota in bytes, or -1 if no limit.
BLOCKS Number of Oracle blocks charged to the user
MAX_BLOCKS User's quota in Oracle blocks, or -1 if no limit.


This view contains a description of columns that are updatable by the database administrator in a join view.

See Oracle7 Server Concepts for information on updatable join views.

This Column Datatype Null? Represents This
OWNER VARCHAR2(30) not null Table owner
TABLE_NAME VARCHAR2(30) not null Table name
COLUMN_NAME VARCHAR2(30) not null Column name
UPDATABLE VARCHAR2(3) Is the column updatable?


This view lists information about all users of the database.

This Column Represents This
USERNAME Name of the user
USER_ID ID number of the user
PASSWORD Encrypted password
DEFAULT_TABLESPACE Default tablespace for data
TEMPORARY_TABLESPACE Default tablespace for temporary table
CREATED User creation date
PROFILE User resource profile name


This view contains the text of all views in the database.

This Column Represents This
OWNER Owner of the view
VIEW_NAME Name of the view
TEXT_LENGTH Length of the view text
TEXT View text


This view lists registered alerts.

This Column Represents This
NAME Name of the alert
SID Session ID of a session waiting for this alert
CHANGED Boolean flag to indicate that an alert has been signaled. Y: Alert signaled N: No alert.
MESSAGE Optional message passed by signaler


This view lists user-allocated locks.

This Column Represents This
NAME Name of the lock
LOCKID Lock identifier number
EXPIRATION Planned lock expiration date (updates whenever the allocation procedure is run)


This view contains information on deferred remote procedure calls.

This Column Datatype Null? Represents This
CALLNO NUMBER not null UID of call, orders calls in transaction
DEFERRED_TRAN_DB VARCHAR2(128) not null Origin DB
DEFERRED_TRAN_ID VARCHAR2(22) not null Transaction ID
PROCNAME VARCHAR2(30) Procedure name
ARGCOUNT NUMBER Number of arguments


This view, created by DEPTREE.SQL, contains information on the object dependency tree. For user SYS, this view shows shared cursors (and only shared cursors) that depend on the object. For all other users, it shows objects other than shared cursors. Other users may access SYS.DEPTREE for information on shared cursors.

This Column Represents This
NESTED_LEVEL Nesting level in the dependency tree
TYPE Object type
OWNER Object owner
NAME Object name
SEQ# Sequence number in the dependency tree. Used for ordering queries. (See also: the IDEPTREE view [*].)


This is a synonym for DICTIONARY.


This view contains descriptions of data dictionary tables and views.

This Column Represents This
TABLE_NAME Name of the object
COMMENTS Text comment on the object


This view contains descriptions of columns in data dictionary tables and views.

This Column Represents This
TABLE_NAME Name of the object that contains the column
COLUMN_NAME Name of the column
COMMENTS Text comment on the column


This view is accessed to create the ALL_OBJECT_SIZE, DBA_OBJECT_SIZE, and USER_OBJECT_SIZE views.


This view contains information on violations of integrity constraints.

This Column Represents This
ROW_ID Row that caused the violation
OWNER Owner of the table
TABLE_NAME Name of the table
CONSTRAINT Integrity constraint that was violated


This is a Parallel Server view.

This view shows the mapping of PCM locks to datafiles as specified in initialization parameter GC_FILES_TO_LOCKS.

This Column Represents This
FILE_ID Datafile identifier number (to find file name, query DBA_DATA_FILES or V$DBFILES)
FILE_NAME The datafile name
TS_NAME The tablespace name for the datafile
START_LK The first lock corresponding to the datafile
NLOCKS The number of PCM locks allocated to the datafile
BLOCKING The number of blocks protected by a PCM lock on the datafile
For more information, see Oracle7 Parallel Server Concepts & Administration.


This is a Parallel Server view.

This view shows the number of blocks pinged per datafile. You can use this information to determine access usage of existing datafiles for better settings of GC_FILES_TO_LOCKS.

This Column Represents This
FILE_ID Datafile identifier number (to find file name, query DBA_DATA_FILES or V$DBFILES)
FILE_NAME The datafile name
TS_NAME The tablespace name for the datafile
FREQUENCY The ping count.
For more information, see Oracle7 Parallel Server Concepts & Administration.


This view contains one row that shows the global name of the current database.

This Column Represents This
GLOBAL_NAME Global name of the database


This view, created by DEPTREE.SQL, lists the indented dependency tree. It is a pre-sorted, pretty-print version of DEPTREE.

This Column Represents This
NESTED_LEVEL Nesting level in the dependency tree
TYPE Object type
OWNER Object owner
NAME Object name


This is a synonym for USER_INDEXES.


This view contains information from the VALIDATE INDEX command.

This Column Represents This
REPEAT_COUNT Number of times that one or more index keys is repeated in the table
KEYS_WITH_REPEAT_ COUNT Number of index keys that are repeated that many times


This view stores information from the last VALIDATE INDEX command.

This Column Represents This
HEIGHT Height of the B-tree
BLOCKS Blocks allocated to the segment
NAME Name of the index
LF_ROWS Number of leaf rows (values in the index)
LF_BLKS Number of leaf blocks in the B-tree
LF_ROWS_LEN Sum of the lengths of all the leaf rows
LF_BLK_LEN Usable space in a leaf block
BR_ROWS Number of branch rows in the B-tree
BR_BLKS Number of branch blocks in the B-tree
BR_ROWS_LEN Sum of the lengths of all the branch blocks in the B-tree
BR_BLK_LEN Usable space in a branch block
DEL_LF_ROWS Number of deleted leaf rows in the index
DEL_LF_ROWS_LEN Total length of all deleted rows in the index
DISTINCT_KEYS Number of distinct keys in the index (may include rows that have been deleted)
MOST_REPEATED_KEY How many times the most repeated key is repeated (may include rows that have been deleted)
BTREE_SPACE Total space currently allocated in the B-tree
USED_SPACE Total space that is currently being used in the B-tree
PCT_USED Percent of space allocated in the B-tree that is being used
ROWS_PER_KEY Average number of rows per distinct key (this figure is calculated without consideration of deleted rows)
BLKS_GETS_PER_ACCESS Expected number of consistent mode block reads per row, assuming that a randomly chosen row is accessed using the index. Used to calculate the number of consistent reads that will occur during an index scan.


This is a SQL*LOADER view used for direct loads.

For more information, see Oracle7 Server Utilities.


This is a SQL*LOADER view used for direct loads.

For more information, see Oracle7 Server Utilities.


This is a SQL*LOADER view used for direct loads.

For more information, see Oracle7 Server Utilities.


This is a SQL*LOADER view used for direct loads.

For more information, see Oracle7 Server Utilities.


This is a SQL*LOADER view used for direct loads.

For more information, see Oracle7 Server Utilities.


This is a SQL*LOADER view used for direct loads.

For more information, see Oracle7 Server Utilities.


This is a SQL*LOADER view used for direct loads.

For more information, see Oracle7 Server Utilities.


This is a SQL*LOADER view used for direct loads.

For more information, see Oracle7 Server Utilities.


This view lists permanent NLS parameters of the database.

This Column Represents This
PARAMETER Parameter name
VALUE Parameter value


This view lists NLS parameters of the instance.

This Column Represents This
PARAMETER Parameter name
VALUE Parameter value


This view lists NLS parameters of the user session.

This Column Represents This
PARAMETER Parameter name
VALUE Parameter value


This is a synonym for USER_OBJECTS.


This view is accessed to create the ALL_OBJECT_SIZE, DBA_OBJECT_SIZE, and USER_OBJECT_SIZE views.


This view is accessed to create the ALL_OBJECT_SIZE, DBA_OBJECT_SIZE, and USER_OBJECT_SIZE views.


This view is the default table for results of the EXPLAIN PLAN statement. It is created by UTLXPLAN.SQL, and it contains one row for each step in the execution plan.

This Column Represents This
STATEMENT_ID Optional statement identifier specified in the EXPLAIN PLAN statement
TIMESTAMP Date and time that the EXPLAIN PLAN statement was issued
REMARKS Place for comments that can be added to the steps of the execution plan
OPERATION Name of the operation performed at this step
OPTIONS Options used for the operation performed at this step
OBJECT_NODE Name of the database link used to reference the object
OBJECT_OWNER Owner of the object
OBJECT_NAME Name of the object
OBJECT_INSTANCE Numbered position of the object name in the original SQL statement
OBJECT_TYPE Descriptive modifier that further describes the type of object
SEARCH_COLUMNS Not currently used
ID Identification number for this step in the execution plan
PARENT_ID ID of the next step that operates on the results of this step
POSITION Order of processing for steps with the same parent ID. For cost-based optimization, the value in the first row of the plan is the statement's execution cost. For rule-based optimization, the value is null in the first row.
OTHER Additional information on this step


This view contains version and status information for component products.

This Column Represents This
PRODUCT Product name
VERSION Version number
STATUS Status of release


This table contains information on stubs generated by the PSTUB utility so that a FORMS 3.0 client can call stored procedures in an Oracle database.

Note: The contents of this table are intended only for use by the PSTUB utility.

This Column Represents This
USERNAME Schema part of the identifier of a stored procedure
DBNAME Database link part of the identifier of a stored procedure
LUN Library unit name part of the identifier of a stored procedure
LUTYPE Type of the stored procedure
LINENO Line number of the stub
LINE Text of the stub


This view contains information on public synonyms.

This Column Represents This
SNAME Name of the synonym
CREATOR Owner of the synonym
TNAME Table of which this is a synonym
DATABASE Database in which the table resides
TABTYPE Type of table


This view lists dependencies to and from objects, by object number.

This Column Represents This
OBJECT_ID Object number
REFERENCED_OBJECT_ID Referenced object (the parent object)


This view contains information on replicated objects.

This Column Datatype Represents This
SNAME VARCHAR2(30) Owner of replicated object
ONAME VARCHAR2(30) Replicated object name
TYPE INTEGER Object type
STATUS INTEGER This column is maintained independently at each replication site
GNAME VARCHAR2(30) Replicated object group name


This view lists the cost for each resource.

This Column Represents This
RESOURCE_NAME Name of the resource
UNIT_COST Cost of the resource


This view contains descriptions for resources. It maps the resource name to the resource number..

This Column Represents This
RESOURCE# Numeric resource code
NAME Name of resource


This view contains information about roles granted to other roles. (Information is only provided about roles to which the user has access.)

This Column Represents This
ROLE Name of the role
GRANTED_ROLE Role that was granted
ADMIN_OPTION Signifies that the role was granted with ADMIN option


This view contains information about system privileges granted to roles. (Information is only provided about roles to which the user has access.)

This Column Represents This
ROLE Name of the role
PRIVILEGE System privilege granted to the role
ADMIN_OPTION Signifies the grant was with the ADMIN option


This view contains information about table privileges granted to roles. (Information is only provided about roles to which the user has access.)

This Column Represents This
ROLE Name of the role
OWNER Owner of the object
TABLE_NAME Name of the object
COLUMN_NAME Name of the column, if applicable
PRIVILEGE Object privilege granted to the role
GRANTABLE YES if the role was granted with ADMIN OPTION; otherwise NO


This is a synonym for USER_SEQUENCES.


This view lists the privileges that are currently available to the user.

This Column Represents This
PRIVILEGE Name of the privilege


This view lists the roles that are currently enabled to the user.

This Column Represents This
ROLE Name of the role


This view is accessed to create the ALL_OBJECT_SIZE, DBA_OBJECT_SIZE, and USER_OBJECT_SIZE views.


This view contains information about auditing option type codes.

This Column Represents This
OPTION# Numeric auditing option type code
NAME Name of the auditing option


This is a synonym for USER_SYNONYMS.


This view is included for compatibility with Oracle version 5. Use of this view is not recommended.


This view is included for compatibility with Oracle version 5. Use of this view is not recommended.


This view is included for compatibility with Oracle version 5. Use of this view is not recommended.


This view is included for compatibility with Oracle version 5. Use of this view is not recommended.


This view contains information about system privilege codes.

This Column Represents This
PRIVILEGE Numeric privilege type code
NAME Name of the type of privilege


This view maps object IDs to object types and segment DBAs.

This Column Represents This
OBJECT_TYPE_ID Type of the object
OBJECT_ID Object identifier
HEADER_FILE ID of the file containing the segment header
HEADER_BLOCK ID of the block containing the segment header


This view is included for compatibility with Oracle version 5. Use of this view is not recommended.


This view contains information on grants on objects for which the user is the grantor, grantee, or owner, or PUBLIC is the grantee.

This view is included for compatibility with Oracle version 6. Use of this view is not recommended.

This Column Represents This
GRANTEE Name of the user to whom access is granted
OWNER Owner of the object
TABLE_NAME Name of the object
GRANTOR Name of the user who performed the grant
SELECT_PRIV Permission to select from the object
INSERT_PRIV Permission to insert into the object
DELETE_PRIV Permission to delete from the object
UPDATE_PRIV Permission to update the object
REFERENCES_PRIV Permission to reference the object
ALTER_PRIV Permission to alter the object
INDEX_PRIV Permission to create or drop an index on the object
CREATED Timestamp for the grant


This view contains information about access privilege codes.

This Column Represents This
PRIVILEGE Numeric privilege (auditing option) type code
NAME Name of the type of privilege (auditing option)


This is a synonym for USER_TABLES.


This view is included for compatibility with Oracle version 5. Use of this view is not recommended.


This view, created by CATAUDIT.SQL, lists audit trail records for statements concerning objects.

This Column Represents This
OS_USERNAME Operating system login username of the user whose actions were audited
USERNAME Name (not ID number) of the user whose actions were audited
USERHOST Numeric instance ID for the Oracle instance from which the user is accessing the database
TERMINAL Identifier for the user's terminal
TIMESTAMP Timestamp for the creation of the audit trail entry or login time for the CONNECT statement
OWNER Creator of object affected by the action
OBJ_NAME Name of the object affected by the action
ACTION_NAME Name of the action type corresponding to the numeric code in ACTION
NEW_OWNER Owner of the object named in the NEW_NAME column
NEW_NAME New name of an object renamed by a RENAME statement
SES_ACTIONS Session summary (a string of 11 characters, one for each action type, in the order Alter, Audit, Comment, Delete, Grant, Index, Insert, Lock, Rename, Select, and Update; coded: for none, S for success, F for failure, and B for both)
COMMENT_TEXT Text comment on the audit trail entry (inserted by an application program)
SESSIONID Numeric ID for each Oracle session
ENTRYID Numeric ID for each audit trail entry in the session
STATEMENTID Numeric ID for each statement run (a statement may cause many actions)
RETURNCODE Oracle message code generated by the action (zero if the action succeeded)
PRIV_USED System privilege used to execute the action
OBJECT_LABEL Optional Trusted Oracle7 Server label associated with the object being audited
SESSION_LABEL Trusted Oracle7 Server label associated with the user session


This view, created by CATAUDIT.SQL, lists all audit trail records concerning connections and disconnections for the user.

This Column Represents This
OS_USERNAME Operating system logon user name of the user whose actions were audited
USERNAME Name (not ID number) of the user whose actions were audited
USERHOST Numeric instance ID for the Oracle instance from which the user is accessing the database
TERMINAL Identifier for the user's terminal
TIMESTAMP Timestamp for the creation of the audit trail entry or login time for the CONNECT statement
ACTION_NAME Name of the action type corresponding to the numeric code in ACTION
LOGOFF_TIME Timestamp for user logoff
LOGOFF_LREAD Logical reads for the session
LOGOFF_PREAD Physical reads for the session
LOGOFF_LWRITE Logical writes for the session
LOGOFF_DLOCK Deadlocks detected during the session
SESSIONID Numeric ID for each Oracle session
RETURNCODE Oracle message code generated by the action (zero if the action succeeded)
SESSION_LABEL Trusted Oracle7 Server label associated with the user session


This view, created by CATAUDIT.SQL, lists audit trail entries for the following statements issued by the user: GRANT, REVOKE, AUDIT, NOAUDIT, and ALTER SYSTEM.

This Column Represents This
OS_USERNAME Operating system logon username of the user whose actions were audited
USERNAME Name (not ID number) of the user whose actions were audited
USERHOST Numeric instance ID for the Oracle instance from which the user is accessing the database
TERMINAL Identifier for the user's terminal
TIMESTAMP Timestamp for the creation of the audit trail entry or login time for the CONNECT statement
OWNER Creator of object affected by the action
OBJ_NAME Name of the object affected by the action
ACTION_NAME Name of the action type corresponding to the numeric code in ACTION
NEW_NAME New name of an object after a RENAME
OBJ_PRIVILEGE Object privileges granted/revoked by a GRANT/REVOKE statement
SYS_PRIVILEGE System privileges granted/revoked by a GRANT/REVOKE statement
ADMIN_OPTION Signifies the role or system privilege was granted with ADMIN option
GRANTEE Username of the grantee specified in a GRANT/REVOKE statement
AUDIT_OPTION Auditing option set with the AUDIT statement
SES_ACTIONS Session summary (a string of 11 characters, one for each action type, in the order Alter, Audit, Comment, Delete, Grant, Index, Insert, Lock, Rename, Select, and Update; coded: for none, S for success, F for failure, and B for both)
COMMENT_TEXT Text comment on the audit trail entry (inserted by an application program)
SESSIONID Numeric ID for each Oracle session
ENTRYID Numeric ID for each audit trail entry in the session
STATEMENTID Numeric ID for each statement run (a statement may cause many actions)
RETURNCODE Oracle message code generated by the action (zero if the action succeeded)
PRIV_USED System privilege used to execute the action
SESSION_LABEL Trusted Oracle7 Server label associated with the user session


This view, created by CATAUDIT.SQL, lists audit trail entries relevant to the user.

This Column Represents This
OS_USERNAME Operating system logon username of the user whose actions were audited
USERNAME Name (not ID number) of the user whose actions were audited
USERHOST Numeric instance ID for the Oracle instance from which the user is accessing the database
TERMINAL Identifier for the user's terminal
TIMESTAMP Timestamp for the creation of the audit trail entry or login time for the CONNECT statement
OWNER Creator of object affected by the action
OBJ_NAME Name of object affected by the action
ACTION Numeric type code corresponding to the action name
ACTION_NAME Name of the action type corresponding to the numeric code in ACTION
NEW_OWNER Owner of the object named in the NEW_NAME column
NEW_NAME New name of an object renamed by a RENAME statement
OBJ_PRIVILEGE Object privileges granted/revoked by a GRANT/REVOKE statement
SYS_PRIVILEGE System privileges granted/revoked by a GRANT/REVOKE statement
ADMIN_OPTION Signifies the role or system privilege was granted with ADMIN option
GRANTEE Username of the grantee specified in a GRANT/REVOKE statement
AUDIT_OPTION Auditing option set with the AUDIT statement
SES_ACTIONS Session summary (a string of 11 characters, one for each action type, in the order Alter, Audit, Comment, Delete, Grant, Index, Insert, Lock, Rename, Select, and Update; coded: for none, S for success, F for failure, and B for both)
LOGOFF_TIME Timestamp for user logoff
LOGOFF_LREAD Logical reads for the session
LOGOFF_PREAD Physical reads for the session
LOGOFF_LWRITE Logical writes for the session
LOGOFF_DLOCK Deadlocks detected during the session
COMMENT_TEXT Text comment on the audit trail entry, providing more information about the statement audited
SESSIONID Numeric ID for each Oracle session
ENTRYID Numeric ID for each audit trail entry in the session
STATEMENTID Numeric ID for each statement run (a statement can cause many actions)
RETURNCODE Oracle message code generated by the action (zero if the action succeeded)
PRIV_USED System privilege used to execute the action
OBJECT_LABEL Optional Trusted Oracle7 Server label associated with the object being audited
SESSION_LABEL Trusted Oracle7 Server label associated with the user session


This view lists tables, views, synonyms, and sequences owned by the user.

This Column Represents This
TABLE_NAME Name of the object
TABLE_TYPE Type of the object


This view contains descriptions of user's own clusters.

This Column Represents This
CLUSTER_NAME Name of the cluster
TABLESPACE_NAME Name of the tablespace containing the cluster
PCT_FREE Minimum percentage of free space in a block
PCT_USED Minimum percentage of used space in a block
KEY_SIZE Estimated size of cluster key plus associated rows
INI_TRANS Initial number of transactions
MAX_TRANS Maximum number of transactions
INITIAL_EXTENT Size of the initial extent in bytes
NEXT_EXTENT Size of secondary extents in bytes
MIN_EXTENTS Minimum number of extents allowed in the segment
MAX_EXTENTS Maximum number of extents allowed in the segment
PCT_INCREASE Percentage increase in extent size
FREELISTS Number of process freelists allocated to this segment
FREELIST_GROUPS Number of freelist groups allocated to this segment
AVG_BLOCKS_PER_KEY Number of blocks in the table divided by number of hash keys
CLUSTER_TYPE Type of cluster: b-tree index or hash
FUNCTION If a hash cluster, the hash function
HASHKEYS If a hash cluster, the number of hash keys (hash buckets)
DEGREE The number of threads per instance for scanning the cluster
INSTANCES The number of instances across which the cluster is to be scanned
CACHE Whether the cluster is to be cached in the buffer cache


This view contains a mapping of columns in user's tables to cluster columns.

This Column Represents This
CLUSTER_NAME Cluster name
CLU_COLUMN_NAME Key column in the cluster
TABLE_NAME Clustered table name
TAB_COLUMN_NAME Key column in the table


This view lists comments on columns of user's tables and views.

This Column Represents This
TABLE_NAME Object name
COLUMN_NAME Column name
COMMENTS Comment on the column


This view lists grants on columns for which the user is the owner, grantor, or grantee.

This Column Represents This
GRANTEE Name of the user to whom access was granted
OWNER Owner of the object
TABLE_NAME Name of the object
COLUMN_NAME Name of the column
GRANTOR Name of the user who performed the grant
PRIVILEGE Privilege on the column
GRANTABLE YES if the privilege was granted with ADMIN OPTION; otherwise NO


This view lists all grants on columns of objects owned by the user.

This Column Represents This
GRANTEE Name of the user to whom access was granted
TABLE_NAME Name of the object
COLUMN_NAME Name of the column
GRANTOR Name of the user who performed the grant
PRIVILEGE Privilege on the column
GRANTABLE YES if the privilege was granted with ADMIN OPTION; otherwise NO


This view lists grants on columns for which the user is the grantee.

This Column Represents This
OWNER Username of the owner of the object
TABLE_NAME Name of the object
COLUMN_NAME Name of the column
GRANTOR Name of the user who performed the grant
PRIVILEGE Privilege on the column
GRANTABLE YES if the privilege was granted with ADMIN OPTION; otherwise NO


This view lists constraint definitions on user's tables.

This Column Represents This
OWNER Owner of the constraint definition
CONSTRAINT_NAME Name associated with the constraint definition
CONSTRAINT_TYPE Type of constraint definition: C (check constraint on a table) P (primary key) U (unique key) R (referential integrity) V (with check option on a view)
TABLE_NAME Name associated with table with constraint definition
SEARCH_CONDITION Text of search condition for table check
R_OWNER Owner of table used in referential constraint
R_CONSTRAINT_NAME Name of unique constraint definition for referenced table
DELETE_RULE The delete rule for a referential constraint: CASCADE, NO ACTION
STATUS Status of constraint: ENABLED, DISABLED


This view contains information about columns in constraint definitions owned by the user.

This Column Represents This
OWNER Owner of the constraint definition
CONSTRAINT_NAME Name associated with the constraint definition
TABLE_NAME Name associated with table with constraint definition
COLUMN_NAME Name associated with column specified in the constraint definition
POSITION Original position of column in definition


This view contains information on database links owned by the user.

This Column Represents This
DB_LINK Name of the database link
USERNAME Name of user to log in as
PASSWORD Password for login
HOST SQL*Net string for connect
CREATED Creation time of the database link


This view lists dependencies to and from a user's objects.

This Column Represents This
NAME Name of the object
REFERENCED_OWNER Owner of the parent object
REFERENCED_NAME Name of the parent object
REFERENCED_LINK_NAME Name of the link to the parent object (if remote)


This view lists current errors on all a user's stored objects.

This Column Represents This
NAME Name of the object
SEQUENCE Sequence number, for ordering
LINE Line number at which this error occurs
POSITION Position in the line at which this error occurs
TEXT Text of the error


This view lists extents of the segments belonging to a user's objects.

This Column Represents This
SEGMENT_NAME Name of the segment associated with the extent
SEGMENT_TYPE Type of the segment
TABLESPACE_NAME Name of the tablespace containing the extent
EXTENT_ID Extent number in the segment
BYTES Size of the extent in bytes
BLOCKS Size of the extent in Oracle blocks


This view lists the free extents in tablespaces accessible to the user.

This Column Represents This
TABLESPACE_NAME Name of the tablespace containing the extent
FILE_ID ID number of the file containing the extent
BLOCK_ID Starting block number of the extent
BYTES Size of the extent in bytes
BLOCKS Size of the extent in Oracle blocks


This view lists histograms on columns of user's tables.

This Column Datatype Represents This
TABLE_NAME VARCHAR2(30) Table name
COLUMN_NAME VARCHAR2(30) Column name
ENDPOINT_VALUE NUMBER Normalized endpoint values for this bucket


This view contains descriptions of the user's own indexes. To gather statistics for this view, use the SQL command ANALYZE.

This Column Represents This
STATUS State of the index: DIRECT LOAD or VALID
INDEX_NAME Name of the index
TABLE_OWNER Owner of the indexed object
TABLE_NAME Name of the indexed object
TABLE_TYPE Type of the indexed object
UNIQUENESS Uniqueness status of the index: UNIQUE or NONUNIQUE
TABLESPACE_NAME Name of the tablespace containing the index
INI_TRANS Initial number of transactions
MAX_TRANS Maximum number of transactions
INITIAL_EXTENT Size of the initial extent in bytes
NEXT_EXTENT Size of secondary extents in bytes
MIN_EXTENTS Minimum number of extents allowed in the segment
MAX_EXTENTS Maximum number of extents allowed in the segment
PCT_INCREASE Percentage increase in extent size
PCT_FREE Minimum percentage of free space in a block
FREELISTS Number of process freelists allocated in this segment
FREELIST_GROUPS Number of freelist groups allocated to this segment
BLEVEL B-Tree level: depth of the index from its root block to its leaf blocks. A depth of 0 indicates that the root block and leaf block are the same.
LEAF_BLOCKS Number of leaf blocks in the index.
DISTINCT_KEYS Number of distinct indexed values. For indexes that enforce UNIQUE and PRIMARY KEY constraints, this value is the same as the number of rows in the table USER_TABLES.NUM_ROWS.
AVG_LEAF_BLOCKS_ PER_KEY Average number of leaf blocks in which each distinct value in the index appears. This statistic is rounded to the nearest integer. For indexes that enforce UNIQUE and PRIMARY KEY constraints, this value is always 1.
AVG_DATA_BLOCKS_ PER_KEY Average number of data blocks in the table that are pointed to by a distinct value in the index. This statistic is the average number of data blocks that contain rows that contain a given value for the indexed column(s). This statistic is rounded to the nearest integer.
CLUSTERING_FACTOR This statistic represents the amount of order of the rows in the table based on the values of the index. If its value is near the number of blocks, then the table is very well ordered. In such a case, the index entries in a single leaf block tend to point to rows in the same data blocks. If its value is near the number of rows, then the table is very randomly ordered. In such a case, it is unlikely that index entries in the same leaf block point to rows in the same data blocks.


This view lists columns of the user's indexes or on user's tables.

This Column Represents This
INDEX_NAME Index name
TABLE_NAME Table or cluster name
COLUMN_NAME Column name
COLUMN_POSITION Position of column within index
COLUMN_LENGTH Indexed length of the column


This view lists all jobs owned by the user.

For more information, see the Oracle7 Server Administrator's Guide.

This Column Represents This
JOB Identifier of job. Neither import/export nor repeated executions change it.
LOG_USER USER who was logged in when the job was submitted
PRIV_USER USER whose default privileges apply to this job
SCHEMA_USER Default schema used to parse the job
For example, if the SCHEMA_USER is SCOTT and you submit the procedure HIRE_EMP as a job, Oracle looks for SCOTT.HIRE_EMP.
LAST_DATE Date this job last successfully executed
LAST_SEC Same as LAST_DATE. This is when the last successful execution started.
THIS_DATE Date that this job started executing (usually null if not executing)
THIS_SEC Same as THIS_DATE. This is when the last successful execution started.
NEXT_DATE Date that this job will next be executed
NEXT_SEC Same as NEXT_DATE. The job becomes due for execution at this time.
TOTAL_TIME Total wallclock time spent by the system on this job, in seconds
BROKEN If Y, no attempt is being made to run this job. See DBMS_JOBQ.BROKEN (JOB).
INTERVAL A date function, evaluated at the start of execution, becomes next NEXT_DATE
FAILURES How many times has this job started and failed since its last success?
WHAT Body of the anonymous PL/SQL block that this job executes
CURRENT_SESSION_LABEL Trusted Oracle7 Server label of the current session as seen by the job. Applies to Trusted Oracle7 Server only.
CLEARANCE_HI Highest level of clearance available to the job. Applies to Trusted Oracle7 Server only.
CLEARANCE_LO Lowest level of clearance available to the job. Applies to Trusted Oracle7 Server only.
NLS_ENV ALTER SESSION parameters describing the NLS environment of the job
MISC_ENV Other session parameters that apply to this job


This view lists objects owned by the user.

This Column Represents This
OBJECT_NAME Name of the object
OBJECT_ID Object number of the object
OBJECT_TYPE Type of the object
CREATED Timestamp for the creation of the object
LAST_DDL_TIME Timestamp of the last DDL command applied to the object (including grants and revokes)
TIMESTAMP Timestamp for the creation of the object (character data)
STATUS Status of the object: VALID, INVALID


This view lists the user's PL/SQL objects.

This Column Represents This
NAME Name of the object
SOURCE_SIZE Size of source code in bytes
PARSED_SIZE Size of parsed code in bytes
CODE_SIZE Size of compiled code in bytes
ERROR_SIZE Size of error messages in bytes


This view, created by CATAUDIT.SQL, lists auditing options for user's own tables and views.

This Column Represents This
OBJECT_NAME Name of the object
OBJECT_TYPE Type of the object: TABLE or VIEW


This view lists all the refresh groups.

This Column Represents This
ROWNER Name of the owner of the refresh group
RNAME Name of the refresh group
REFGROUP Internal identifier of refresh group
IMPLICIT_DESTROY Y or N; if Y, then destroy the refresh group when its last item is removed
JOB Identifier of job used to refresh the group automatically
NEXT_DATE Date that this job will next be refreshed automatically, if not broken
INTERVAL A date function used to compute the next NEXT_DATE
BROKEN Y or N; Y means the job is broken and will never be run


This view lists all the objects in refresh groups, where the user owns the refresh group.

This Column Represents This
OWNER Owner of the object in the refresh group
Name of the object in the refresh group
TYPE Type of the object in the refresh group
ROWNER Name of the owner of the refresh group
RNAME Name of the refresh group
REFGROUP Internal identifier of refresh group
IMPLICIT_DESTROY Y or N; if Y, then destroy the refresh group when its last item is removed
JOB Identifier of job used to refresh the group automatically
NEXT_DATE Date that this job will next be refreshed automatically, if not broken
INTERVAL A date function used to compute the next NEXT_DATE
BROKEN Y or N; Y means the job is broken and will never be run


This view displays the resource limits for the current user.

This Column Represents This
RESOURCE_NAME Name of the resource
LIMIT Limit placed on this resource


This view lists roles granted to the user.

This Column Represents This
USERNAME Name of the user, or PUBLIC
GRANTED_ROLE Name of the role granted to user
ADMIN_OPTION Granted with ADMIN option: YES/NO
DEFAULT_ROLE Role is designated as the user's default role: YES/NO
OS_GRANTED Granted by the operating system: Y/N (occurs if configuration parameter OS_ROLES = TRUE)


This view lists information about storage allocation for database segments belonging to a user's objects.

This Column Represents This
SEGMENT_NAME Name of the segment, if any
TABLESPACE_NAME Name of the tablespace containing the segment
BYTES Size of the segment in bytes
BLOCKS Size of the segment in Oracle blocks
EXTENTS Number of extents allocated to the segment
INITIAL_EXTENT Size of the initial extent in Oracle blocks
NEXT_EXTENT Size of the next extent to be allocated in Oracle blocks
MIN_EXTENTS Minimum number of extents allowed in the segment
MAX_EXTENTS Maximum number of extents allowed in the segment
PCT_INCREASE Percent by which to increase the size of the next extent to be allocated
FREELISTS Number of process freelists allocated to this segment
FREELIST_GROUPS Number of freelist groups allocated to this segment


This view lists descriptions of the user's sequences.

This Column Represents This
MIN_VALUE Minimum value of the sequence
MAX_VALUE Maximum value of the sequence
INCREMENT_BY Value by which the sequence is incremented
CYCLE_FLAG Does sequence wraparound on reaching limit
ORDER_FLAG Are sequence numbers generated in order
CACHE_SIZE Number of sequence numbers to cache
LAST_NUMBER Last sequence number written to disk. If a sequence uses caching, the number written to disk is the last number placed in the sequence cache. This number is likely to be greater than the last sequence number that was actually used. This value is not continuously updated during database operation. It is intended for use after a warm start or import.


This view lists snapshots the user can view.

This Column Represents This
OWNER Owner of the snapshot
NAME Name of the view used by users and applications for viewing the snapshot
TABLE_NAME Table in which the snapshot is stored. This table has an extra column for the master rowid
MASTER_VIEW View of the master table, owned by the snapshot owner, used for refreshes
MASTER_OWNER Owner of the master table
MASTER Name of the master table of which this snapshot is a copy
MASTER_LINK Database link name to the master site
CAN_USE_LOG YES if this snapshot can use a snapshot log, NO if this snapshot is too complex to use a log
UPDATABLE Specifies whether the snapshot is updatable. TRUE if updatable, FALSE if not.
LAST_REFRESH Date and time at the master site of the last refresh
ERROR The number of failed automatic refreshes since last successful refresh
TYPE Type of refresh for all automatic refreshes: COMPLETE, FAST, FORCE
NEXT Date function used to compute next refresh dates
START_WITH Date function used to compute next refresh dates
REFRESH_GROUP All snapshots in a given refresh group get refreshed in the same transaction
UPDATE_TRIG The name of the trigger that fills the UPDATE_LOG
UPDATE_LOG The table that logs changes made to an updatable snapshots
QUERY Original query of which this snapshot is an instantiation


This view lists all snapshot logs owned by the user.

This Column Represents This
LOG_OWNER Owner of the snapshot log
MASTER Name of the master table for which the log records changes
LOG_TABLE Log table that holds the rowids and timestamps of rows that changed in the master table
LOG_TRIGGER An after-row trigger on the master that inserts rows into the log
CURRENT_SNAPSHOTS Date and time when the snapshot of the master was last refreshed


This view contains text source of all stored objects belonging to the user.

This Column Represents This
NAME Name of the object
LINE Line number of this line of source
TEXT Text source of the stored object


This view lists the user's private synonyms.

This Column Represents This
SYNONYM_NAME Name of the synonym
TABLE_OWNER Owner of the object referenced by the synonym
TABLE_NAME Name of the object referenced by the synonym
DB_LINK Database link referenced in a remote synonym


This view lists system privileges granted to the user.

This Column Represents This
USERNAME Name of the user, or PUBLIC
PRIVILEGE System privilege granted to the user
ADMIN_OPTION Signifies the privilege was granted with ADMIN option


This view contains description of the user's tables. To gather statistics for this view, use the SQL command ANALYZE.

This Column Represents This
TABLE_NAME Name of the table
TABLESPACE_NAME Name of the tablespace containing the table
CLUSTER_NAME Name of the cluster, if any, to which the table belongs
PCT_FREE Minimum percentage of free space in a block
PCT_USED Minimum percentage of used space in a block
INI_TRANS Initial number of transactions
MAX_TRANS Maximum number of transactions
NEXT_EXTENT Size of secondary extents in bytes
MIN_EXTENTS Minimum number of extents allowed in the segment
MAX_EXTENTS Maximum number of extents allowed in the segment
PCT_INCREASE Percentage increase in extent size
FREELISTS Number of process freelists allocated to this segment
FREELIST_GROUPS Number of freelist groups allocated to this segment
BACKED_UP Has table been backed up since last modification
NUM_ROWS Number of rows in the table
BLOCKS Number of used data blocks in the table
EMPTY_BLOCKS Number of empty (never used) data blocks in the table
AVG_SPACE Average amount of free space (in bytes) in a data block allocated to the table
CHAIN_CNT Number of rows in the table that are chained from one data block to another or that have migrated to a new block, requiring a link to preserve the old rowid
AVG_ROW_LEN Average length of a row in the table in bytes
DEGREE The number of threads per instance for scanning the table
INSTANCES The number of instances across which the table is to be scanned
CACHE Whether the table is to be cached in the buffer cache


This view contains descriptions of accessible tablespaces.

This Column Represents This
TABLESPACE_NAME Tablespace name
INITIAL_EXTENT Default initial extent size
NEXT_EXTENT Default incremental extent size
MIN_EXTENTS Default minimum number of extents
MAX_EXTENTS Default maximum number of extents
PCT_INCREASE Default percent increase for extent size
STATUS Tablespace status: ONLINE, OFFLINE, or INVALID (tablespace has been dropped)


This view contains information about columns of user's tables, views, and clusters. To gather statistics for this view, use the SQL command ANALYZE.

This Column Represents This
TABLE_NAME Table, view, or cluster name
COLUMN_NAME Column name
DATA_TYPE Datatype of the column
DATA_LENGTH Maximum length of the column in bytes
DATA_PRECISION Decimal precision for NUMBER datatype; binary precision for FLOAT datatype; NULL for all other datatypes
DATA_SCALE Digits to right of decimal point in a number
NULLABLE Does column allow NULLs? Value is n if there is a NOT NULL constraint on the column or if the column is part of a PRIMARY KEY.
COLUMN_ID Sequence number of the column as created
DEFAULT_LENGTH Length of default value for the column
DATA_DEFAULT Default value for the column
NUM_DISTINCT Number of distinct values in each column of the table
LOW_VALUE HIGH_VALUE The lowest and highest values in the column. These statistics are expressed in hexadecimal notation for the internal representation of the first 32 bytes of the values.
DENSITY The density of the column (a measure of how distinct the values are). The density is calculated as the sum of occurrences2/elements_sampled2 for each distinct value in the column.


This view contains comments on the tables and views owned by the user.

This Column Represents This
TABLE_NAME Name of the object
TABLE_TYPE Type of the object: TABLE or VIEW
COMMENTS Comment on the object


This view contains information on grants on objects for which the user is the owner, grantor, or grantee.

This Column Represents This
GRANTEE Name of the user to whom access was granted
OWNER Owner of the object
TABLE_NAME Name of the object
GRANTOR Name of the user who performed the grant
PRIVILEGE Privilege on the object
GRANTABLE YES if the privileges was granted with ADMIN OPTION; otherwise NO


This view contains information about all grants on objects owned by the user.

This Column Represents This
GRANTEE Name of the user to whom access was granted
TABLE_NAME Name of the object
GRANTOR Name of the user who performed the grant
PRIVILEGE Privilege on the object
GRANTABLE YES if the privilege was granted with ADMIN OPTION; otherwise NO


This view contains information about grants on objects for which the user is the grantee.

This Column Represents This
OWNER Owner of the object
TABLE_NAME Name of the object
GRANTOR Name of the user who performed the grant
PRIVILEGE Privilege on the object
GRANTABLE YES if the privilege was granted with ADMIN OPTION; otherwise NO


This view contains descriptions of the user's triggers.

This Column Represents This
TRIGGER_NAME Name of the trigger
TRIGGERING_EVENT Statement that fires the trigger: INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE
TABLE_OWNER Owner of the table on which the trigger is defined
TABLE_NAME Table on which the trigger is defined
REFERENCING_NAMES Names used for referencing to OLD and NEW values within the trigger
WHEN_CLAUSE WHEN clause. Must evaluate to TRUE for TRIGGER_BODY to execute.
STATUS Whether the trigger is enabled: ENABLED or DISABLED
DESCRIPTION Trigger description. Useful for re-creating a trigger creation statement.
TRIGGER_BODY Statement(s) executed by the trigger when it fires


This view shows usage of columns in triggers owned by the user or on one of the user's tables.

This Column Represents This
TRIGGER_OWNER Owner of the trigger
TRIGGER_NAME Name of the trigger
TABLE_OWNER Owner of the table on which the trigger is defined
TABLE_NAME Table on which the trigger is defined
COLUMN_NAME Name of the column used in the trigger
COLUMN_LIST Column specified in UPDATE clause: Y/N
COLUMN_USAGE How the column is used in the trigger. All applicable combinations of NEW, OLD, IN, OUT, and IN OUT.


This view contains information about tablespace quotas for the user.

This Column Represents This
TABLESPACE_NAME Tablespace name
BYTES Number of bytes charged to the user
MAX_BYTES User's quota in bytes, or -1 for UNLIMITED
BLOCKS Number of Oracle blocks charged to the user
MAX_BLOCKS User's quota in Oracle blocks, or -1 for UNLIMITED


This view contains a description of columns that are updatable to the user in a join view.

This Column Datatype Null? Represents This
OWNER VARCHAR2(30) not null Table owner
TABLE_NAME VARCHAR2(30) not null Table name
COLUMN_NAME VARCHAR2(30) not null Column name
UPDATABLE VARCHAR2(3) Is the column updatable?


This view contains information about the current user.

This Column Represents This
USERNAME Name of the user
USER_ID ID number of the user
DEFAULT_TABLESPACE Default tablespace for data
TEMPORARY_TABLESPACE Default tablespace for temporary tables
CREATED User creation date


This view contains the text of views owned by the user.

This Column Represents This
VIEW_NAME Name of the view
TEXT_LENGTH Length of the view text
TEXT View text

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