Operating System-Specific Information
This manual occasionally refers to other Oracle manuals that contain detailed information for using Oracle on a specific operating system. These Oracle manuals are often called installation and configuration guides, although the exact name may vary on different operating systems. Throughout this manual, references to these manuals are marked with the icon shown in the left margin.
This appendix lists all the references in this manual to operating system-specific Oracle manuals, and lists the operating system (OS) dependent initialization parameters. If you are using Oracle on multiple operating systems, this appendix can help you ensure that your applications are portable across these operating systems.
Operating system-specific topics are listed alphabetically, with page numbers of sections that discuss these topics.
- operating system audit trail, 19-6
- auditing with the OS audit trail, 19-6
- Authentication through the operating system
- of users through operating system, 17-3
- of database administrators, 2-2, 17-5
- multiple DBWR processes, 9-9
- Client/server communication, 9-33
- Communication Software, 9-42
- size of file header, 4-10
- Dedicated Server, requesting, 9-38
- Indexes, overhead of index blocks, 5-21
- INTERNAL, prerequisites for connecting as, 2-2
- Roles, operating system management of, 18-14
- Rollback segments, number of transactions per, 3-19
- Software code areas, shared, 9-16
- choosing and installing drivers, 9-42