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Introducing Pro*C/C++

What Is Pro*C/C++?

To access an Oracle database, you use a high-level query language called Structured Query Language (SQL). You often use SQL through an interactive interface, such as SQL*Plus or Server Manager. This programmatic interface is a precompiler that converts SQL statements in EXEC SQL commands into C/C++ statements so that the resulting output file can then be compiled by a C/C++ compiler.

By using Pro*C/C++ to embed SQL statements in a C/C++ program, you can create applications that access your Oracle database whenever rapid development and compatibility with other systems are your priorities.

Pro*C/C++ allows you to generate code for both 16- and 32-bit applications within a Windows NT/95 development environment. You then can use this Pro*C/C++ generated code to build your application for the target operating system.

The Pro*C/C++ development environment is 32-bit based, which enables you to generate code from a precompilable file for either a16-bit or 32-bit environment. Your development environment must have the Required Support Files for Windows NT and Required Support Files for Windows 95 as well as SQL*Net for Windows NT and SQL*Net for Windows 95 (if connecting to a remote Oracle database at the time of precompile).

The runtime environment can be either 16-or 32-bit based. For a 16-bit based runtime environment, you need Required Support Files for Windows 3.1 and SQL*Net for Windows 3.1. The 32-bit based runtime environment requires Required Support Files for Windows NT and Required Support Files for Windows 95 as well as SQL*Net for Windows NT and SQL*Net for Windows 95 (if connecting to a remote Oracle database).

A new feature in Pro*C/C++ is the ability to set the "OS" option to WIN16 or WIN32 and compile your program for that designated target operating system.

PL/SQL Support

Pro*C/C++ supports PL/SQL Version 3.0, Oracle's procedural language extensions to the SQL language standard for enhancing performance of the Oracle database.

PL/SQL is supported for releases of Oracle databases Version 7 and higher. You can also embed PL/SQL blocks in Pro*C/C++ applications that use the transaction processing option to access an Oracle database.

Additional Information
For more information on PL/SQL, see the PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference, available with your Oracle7 Server documentation. For information on including PL/SQL in your Pro*C/C++ applications, see the Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Pro*C/C++ Precompiler.


This release of Pro*C/C++ supports these features:


Pro*C/C++ Release 3.0 does not support local parsing of PL/SQL. All PL/SQL is processed by the Oracle7 Server and must be in anonymous PL/SQL blocks.

How to Begin

Follow these steps to get started quickly with your new Oracle product:

  1. Complete and return the registration and support cards in your Customer Information booklet.

  2. Install your Oracle7 Server, if you have not already done so.

  3. If you will be accessing a remote database, install the appropriate SQL*Net client software. (See the Network Products User's Guide for Windows 3.1/NT/95.)

  4. Follow the instructions in Chapter 2 to install Pro*C/C++.

Follow the instructions in Chapter 3 to begin using the precompiler.

Build and run the sample programs described in Chapter 4 to ensure that you have installed Pro*C/C++ successfully.

    Read Chapter 4 to learn how to build Pro*C/C++ applications for your Windows-based operating system.

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