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Installing Pro*C/C++

System Requirements

You can create 16- and 32-bit applications using Windows NT/95 development environment(s). For a 16-bit application, you can use Windows 3.1 or WOW as a runtime environment.

Attention This section is applicable for both Windows NT/95.

Windows NT/95

The minimum hardware and software requirements for installing and running Pro*C/C++ include the following:

In addition to verifying system requirements, perform the following tasks:

Windows 3.1 Runtime

The minimum hardware and software requirements for the runtime environment:

Using the Oracle Installer

After you have loaded your operating system and network software and have verified that they are operating properly, you are ready to use the Oracle Installer (Version 3) to install Pro*C/C++. The Oracle Installer provides multiple version capability, which allows you to install and maintain multiple versions of Oracle products on your system.

Completing the installation is a two-part procedure. You must:

Running the Oracle Installer from a CD-ROM Drive

To set up the Oracle Installer on your hard drive, you must start Oracle Installer from the CD-ROM. Once you start the application, Oracle Installer performs the following tasks:

Attention This section also applies to Windows NT. The default directory is \ORANT. For Windows 95, the default directory is \ORAWIN95.

You can use any CD-ROM drive that can be attached to the Windows 95 machine as a logical drive to set up the Oracle Installer on your hard drive and install Pro*C/C++ software. The examples in this guide treat the G: logical drive as the CD-ROM drive, although the Oracle Installer and Windows 95 will recognize any drive for which you have configured the CD-ROM.

Before running the Oracle Installer from the CD-ROM, be sure you have read your third-party CD-ROM documentation. You may also want to refer to that documentation if the installed CD-ROM drive cannot copy files to your hard drive.

Setting Up Oracle Installer

If you already have the latest version of the Installer set up on your hard drive, you can omit these steps and proceed to the next section, "Installing Pro*C/C++". If you are not sure you have installed the latest version of the Oracle Installer, begin with step 1.

Attention This section also applies to Windows NT.
The default directory is \ORANT.

The following steps describe how to set up the Oracle Installer on your CD-ROM drive in Windows 95. If you already have the latest version of the Oracle Installer, you can skip these steps and proceed to the next section, Installing Pro*C/C++. If you are not sure you have installed the latest version of the Installer, proceed with Step 1.

Note If you insert a CD-ROM that contains the Oracle Installer, a dialog box asks if you want to install. If you choose Yes, it will automatically complete Steps 1 - 6 for you.

  1. From the Windows 95 Taskbar, click Start. Choose Run from the menu list.
  2. The Run dialog box appears.

  3. Choose Browse.
  4. In the Look in list box, pull down the list box and select your CD-ROM drive. For example, if the CD-ROM drive is mapped to G:, select the G: drive.
  5. Double-click the Win95 folder.
  6. Double-click Setup.
  7. The Run dialog box appears.
  8. Choose OK.
  9. Read the licensing screens (if they appear). When you are finished, choose OK.
  10. If you are using the Oracle Installer for the first time, it prompts you to select a language.
  11. Select a language. Then choose OK, or simply press [Enter] to accept the default.
  12. If your system displays a Welcome screen, choose OK.
  13. The Oracle Installer prompts you to enter the company name. (Once you have set up the Installer on your hard drive, you will not receive this prompt in subsequent uses.)
  14. Type a company name or accept the default. Choose OK.
  15. If you have already installed Oracle products, the Oracle Installer prompts you with the existing Oracle directory. Otherwise, it prompts you to enter the drive and directory path where Oracle products will be installed. The default path is \ORAWIN95 on the drive containing the Windows 95 operating system.
  16. Choose OK to accept the default path. If you want to change the destination drive or directory, type the custom path, then choose OK.
  17. The Oracle Installer Software Asset Manager appears.

Installing Pro*C/C++

When you select Pro*C/C++ for installation, the Oracle Installer performs the following tasks:

Attention This section also applies to Windows NT.

The default directory is \ORANT.

The Oracle Installer contains the following windows:

Available Products

The Oracle Installer also contains an on-line help facility. To display help on the features and functions of the Oracle Installer, select Using Oracle Installer from the Help menu.

To install Pro*C/C++ software :

  1. Start the Oracle Installer from Oracle for Windows 95 folder. Double-click on Oracle Installer. If no installable products appear in the Products Available window, choose From. Then, from the Open dialog box, choose the CD-ROM drive letter from the Drives list.
  2. Choose the \WIN95\INSTALL directory from the Directories list. Select the WIN95.PRD file and choose Open. For Windows NT, you select NT.PRD file and choose Open.
  3. Note:

If you use the Oracle Installer on a CD, then you do not need to choose the WIN95.PRD file.

  1. Scroll through the list of products. Select Precompilers and then select Pro*C/C++.
  2. Choose Install.

  3. Note During installation, a progress bar shows the percentage of the installation that is complete. Messages are displayed indicating file names and Oracle Installer actions that are being taken. You can cancel the installation at any time during the installation procedure.

  4. Choose Exit from the File menu.

When the installation is complete, the Installer displays the installed products. Note that Pro*C/C++ and other products are listed in the Products Installed window.

Oracle Directory Structure

Installing Oracle software creates a directory structure on your hard drive for your Oracle products. A main directory--the Oracle home directory--holds the Oracle subdirectories and files that are necessary to run Pro*C/C++.

Attention The following diagram illustrates the directory structure for Windows 95. This directory structure is similar for Windows NT.

In this example, the default Oracle home directory for Windows 95 is \ORAWIN95.

The subdirectories in \ORAWIN95 hold the Pro*C/C++ executable files and the library files.

The letters nn represent the version of the product installed. For example, if you have already installed Pro*C/C++ Version 2.2, you already have a \PRO21 subdirectory under \ORAWIN95. If you now install Pro*C/C++ version 3.0, the Oracle Installer adds a \PRO30 subdirectory.

ORAWIN95 Subdirectories

The subdirectories in the Oracle home directory,\ORAWIN95, include:

Product Subdirectories

Based on the supported products you choose to install, Version 3 of the Oracle Installer also creates the appropriate product subdirectory. For example, when you install Pro*C/C++, Release 3.0, the Oracle Installer creates the \PRO30 subdirectory, which contains files and subdirectories for Pro*C/C++.

Under the \PRO30 subdirectory, you find the following subdirectories:

Sample Programs

The Pro*C/C++ installation procedure copies a set of 32-bit sample programs and their corresponding MAKE files into the \PRO30\C\SAMPLES (for Windows NT/95) or \PRO30\WIN16\C\SAMPLES (for Windows 3.1) directory. Samples can be found in their corresponding subdirectories. Oracle recommends that you build and run these sample programs to verify that Pro*C/C++ has been installed successfully and operates correctly.

Additional Information See "Building and Running Sample Programs" in Chapter 4.

Performing Other Installation Tasks

You can perform the following additional installation tasks using the Oracle Installer:

Customizing Product Installations

You can customize the way the Oracle Installer works by editing the Installer preferences. For example, you can suppress the confirmation dialog box that the Oracle Installer displays when you select a product to be removed, or you can change the installation preference that controls whether the Oracle Installer scans the disk drives.

To change the Installer preferences, choose Preferences from the Options menu within the Oracle Installer.

Listing Installed Products

To list the products currently installed on your system, run the Oracle Installer from your hard drive. The Installer displays the names and version number of all the products that you have installed in the Installed Products window.

Removing Installed Products

To remove an Oracle product from your hard drive, run the Oracle Installer. From the Installed Products window, use the arrow keys to highlight the product you want to remove. Choose Remove.

Removing a product in this manner deletes all the files associated with that product from your hard drive. It does not delete objects (tables, views, and the like) created by that product's tables in the database.

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