Oracle Enterprise Manager Concepts Guide Go to Product Documentation Library
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Oracle Enterprise Manager Concepts Guide
Purpose of this Guide
How this Guide Is Organized
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Chapter 1 Overview Of Oracle Enterprise Manager
What Is Enterprise Manager?
Benefits of Enterprise Manager
Centralized Console for Single Point of Management
Scalability for Growing Distributed Environments
Automated ("Lights Out") System Administration
Intelligent Autonomous Agent
Easy-to-Use Security
The Basic Components
The Console
Common Services
Job Scheduling System
Event Management System
Intelligent Agents and Communication Daemon
Service Discovery
Integrated Applications
Chapter 2 The Console
Console Graphical User Interface
Console Windows
Navigator Window
Map Window
Job Scheduling Window
Event Management Window
Using the Console
Logging in
Performing Simple Single Tasks in the Navigator
Customizing your View in the Navigator
Checking the Status of an Item
Creating User-Defined Groups
Creating Maps
Using the Job Scheduling Window and Event Management Window
Integrating Applications into the Console
Chapter 3 Job and Event Systems
Job Scheduling System
Predefined Job Tasks
Stored and Forwarding Job Scheduling
Lights Out Management
Cross-Platform Job Scripts
Composite Jobs
Security and Jobs
Event Management System
Proactive Events Management
Unsolicited Error Detection
Pre-defined Event Sets
Event Scripts
Optimized Intelligent Agents
Chapter 4 DBA Applications
Database Administration Applications
Common Features
Tree Lists
Multi-column Lists
Property Sheets
Record and Play Back
Basic/Advanced User Modes
Instance Manager
Schema Manager
Security Manager
Storage Manager
SQL Worksheet
Backup Manager
Data Manager
Software Manager
Chapter 5 Value-Added Applications
Oracle Enterprise Manager Performance Pack
Oracle Expert
Oracle Lock Manager
Oracle Performance Manager
Oracle TopSessions
Oracle Tablespace Manager
Oracle Trace
Other Integrated Applications
Oracle Replication Manager
Oracle Media Server Manager
Oracle Parallel Server Manager
Oracle WebServer Manager
Oracle Advanced Networking Option-Network Security and Single Sign-On Biometric Manager

Oracle Corporation
Copyright © 1996 Oracle Corporation
500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood City, CA 94065

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