| Type
| Limit
blocks (Oracle7)
| minimum in initial extent
| 2 blocks (automatically enforced)
| maximum
| 232 -1 (up to 4 terabytes, depending on block size)
| CHAR column index
| 255 characters maximum no absolute limit, but a function of block size LONG column 231 -1 characters (2 gigabytes) maximum VARCHAR2 column 2000 characters maximum
LONG columns
| index (or cluster index)
expression list view definition
| 16 columns maximum
254 columns maximum
254 columns maximum
254 columns maximum
| table
| 1 LONG column per table
| CHECK (on columns)
| unlimited
context area
| size
| no absolute limit
(1024 is the minimum initial extent size)
control files
| number of control files
| one minimum: 2 or more strongly recommended on separate devices
| size of a control file
| typically 50..200Kb, depending on database creation options; maximum is O/S-dependent
database files
| system
| 1022 or value of DB_FILES in INIT.ORA, or limited by value of MAXDATAFILES in CREATE DATABASE. Less on some operating systems.
database file size
| minimum
| no absolute limit except for first file whose minimum size is 2 MB
| maximum
| O/S dependent, typically 16 million Oracle7 blocks
GROUP BY clause
| maximum size
| number of bytes limited to one Oracle7 block, less O/S-dependent block overhead, less 2-bytes per group-by expression, less one of the following:
2 bytes plus size of each aggregate
of a non-distinct value
two bytes plus size in bytes of the
longest aggregate of a distinct value
Example: COUNT(x)
| table
| no limit
| total size of indexed columns
| one-half the Oracle7 block size minus some overhead
| parallel server
| O/S dependent, subject to Oracle7 limit of 255
| character string number (+ or -)
| 255 characters
(10E-135 to 10E125)
| transaction distributed
| no limit; O/S dependent
| derived from DB_BLOCK_SIZE
O/S dependent
nested queries
| 255 queries
| maximum value
| 1.0x10125
| up to 38 significant digits per numeric value
redo log files
| database
| 255 or value for LOG_FILES in INIT.ORA, or by MAXLOGFILES in CREATE DATABASE. Ultimately, an operating system limit.
redo log file size
| minimum
| 50 Kbytes
rollback segments
| database
| no limit
| table
| no limit
SGA size
| maximum
| no limit
SQL statement length
| 64 K maximum length; particular tools may have lower limits
stored packages
| size
| SQL*FORMS may have limits on the size of stored procedures you can call. Consult your SQL*Forms documentation for details.
| database
| no limit
| cluster database
| 32; no limit
trigger cascade limit
| maximum
| 32, larger values O/S-dependent
users and roles
| maximum
| 65525 (users and roles combined)