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1 Introducing Oracle Network Products

Oracle Connectivity Overview
Architectural Overview
Oracle Protocol Adapters
Network-Specific Protocol Stack
Client/Server Interaction
New Features with Version 2.3.3

2 Supported Oracle Network Products

Oracle Network Products
Oracle Protocol Adapters
TCP/IP Protocol Adapter
SPX Protocol Adapter
DECnet Protocol Adapter
Named Pipes Protocol Adapter
NetBIOS Protocol Adapter
LU6.2 Protocol Adapter
Bequeath Protocol Adapter
SQL*Net Configuration Tools
Client Status Monitor and SQLNET.ORA Editor
Oracle Names
Advanced Networking Option
Network Security and Single Sign-On
Network Security
Single Sign-On
Authentication Adapters Provide Enhanced Security
NDS Native Naming Adapter
DCE Integration
DCE Communication/Security Adapter
DCE CDS Naming Adapter
NDS Authentication Adapter
Windows NT Authentication Adapter

3 Configuration

Verifying Oracle Network Products Setup
Ways to Configure a Network
Choosing a Configuration Tool
SQL*Net Easy Configuration
Oracle Network Manager
Simple and Complex Network Considerations
Understanding the Configuration Files
Configuring a Network Without Oracle Names
Using SQL*Net Easy Configuration
Using Other SQL*Net Easy Configuration Features
Modifying a Database Alias
Deleting a Database Alias
Viewing Configuration Information
Using Oracle Network Manager
Creating Configuration Files
Results of Oracle Network Manager
Distributing Configuration Files
Configuring a Network With Oracle Names
Choosing Whether to Use Oracle Names and the Dynamic Discovery Option
Testing the Configuration on the Server
Setting Up for a Loopback Test
Starting Oracle Names
Starting the Listener
Performing a Loopback Test on the Server
Loopback with Server Manager
Loopback with SQL*Plus
Testing the Configuration on the Client
Verifying TCP/IP Network Connections
Determining the Server's IP Address
Using PING
Verifying Oracle Database Connections Using TNSPING
Closing a Database Connection
Stopping Oracle Names
Stopping the Listener

4 Database Connection Tasks

Connecting to a Database from a Client Machine
Starting Server Services
Starting Oracle Names
Starting the Listener
Connecting to a Database Using Server Manager
Connecting to a Database Using SQL*Plus
Closing a Database Connection
Stopping Oracle Names
Stopping the Listener
Connecting from Windows on Windows NT/95
Connecting to a Remote Database
Connecting to a Local Database
Connecting with Authentication Adapters
Using the Windows NT Networking Authentication Adapter
Using the NDS Authentication Adapter
Understanding Windows 3.x Connection Issues
Setting the LOCAL and REMOTE Parameters
Working with Security for the Named Pipes Protocol Adapter

5 Using the Advanced Networking Option

Setting Up Network Security and Single Sign-On for
Windows NT and Windows 95
Configuring the Kerberos Authentication Adapter
Configuring the SecurID Authentication Adapter
Configuring the CyberSAFE Authentication Adapter
Setting Up for Network Security and Single Sign-On for Windows 3.1x
Configuring the CyberSAFE Authentication Adapter
Configuring the Kerberos Authentication Adapter
Using the Oracle Kerberos Utility
Configuring the SecurID Authentication Adapter
Using the NDS Native Naming Adapter

A Installed Directory Structure and Files

Understanding the Oracle Network Products Directory Structure
Understanding Oracle Network Products Installed Files
Analyzing SQL*Net Installed Files
Message Files
Server Executables
Analyzing Oracle Protocol Adapter Installed Files
Analyzing Oracle Names Installed Files
Analyzing Oracle Network Manager Installed Files
Oracle Network Manager for Windows .EXE Files
Oracle Network Manager for Windows .DLL Files
Analyzing ANO Installed Files
Verifying Environment Setup

B Verifying Parameters and Vendor Adapters for Windows 3.1x

Verifying File Parameters
Verifying CONFIG.SYS File Contents
Verifying WIN.INI File Contents
Including a DOS Oracle Home Directory in the AUTOEXEC.BAT File
Verifying TCP/IP Protocol Adapter Setup
Loading TSR Transports for TCP/IP
3Com 3+Open TCP (Versions 1.1 and 1.2)
Beame and Whiteside TCP/IP
Microsoft LAN Manager TCP/IP
Loading TCP/IP Kernel-Specific Code Before Running Windows TCP/IP Transports
3Com 3+Open TCP (Version 2.0)
HP ARPA Services for DOS
Novell LAN WorkPlace for DOS
Walker Richer & Quinn Reflection Network Series
Wollongong Pathway Access for DOS
Verifying ORACLE.INI File Contents
Using Windows Sockets Vendors
Verifying TCP/IP Vendor File Installation
Verifying JSB VSL Support for TCP/IP
Verifying MSOCKLIB.DLL File Installation
Verifying VSL.INI File Installation
Verifying JSB Executable File Installation
Loading the TCP/IP Network Software
Identifying the Destination Address for TCP/IP
Using the Domain Name Service
Locating the HOSTS File
Enabling Ctrl+C
Verifying SPX Protocol Adapter Setup
Editing the AUTOEXEC.BAT File
Verifying NetBIOS Protocol Adapter Setup
Editing the CONFIG.SYS File or Setting a Default Protocol
Verifying LU6.2 Protocol Adapter for IBM NS/WIN Setup
Editing the NSD.INI File
Configuring Oracle Version 6 Tools

C Modifying Oracle Parameters for Windows 3.1x

Understanding the ORACLE.INI Configuration File
Defining Configuration Parameters
Setting Configuration Parameters
Specifying Alternative Configuration Files
Understanding Configuration Parameters

D Modifying Oracle Configurations for Windows NT and Windows 95

Modifying a Registry Entry
Adding a Parameter
Using the Registry
Using the Control Panel

E Configuration Files

Understanding the TNSNAMES.ORA File
Specifying Connect Descriptors
Connect Descriptor Syntax
Specifying Service Names
Configuring Listener Addresses for Oracle Protocol Adapters
Specifying TCP/IP Addresses
SQL*Net Example on a TCP/IP Network
Specifying SPX Addresses
SQL*Net Example on a SPX/IPX Network
Specifying Named Pipes Addresses
SQL*Net Example on a Named Pipes Network
Specifying DECnet Addresses
SQL*Net Example on a DECnet Network
Specifying NetBIOS Addresses
SQL*Net Example on a NetBIOS Network
Specifying LU6.2 Addresses
LU6.2 for Windows NT
SQL*Net Example on an LU6.2 Network
LU6.2 for Windows
Specifying Bequeath Addresses
SQL*Net Example on a Bequeath Network
Understanding the SQLNET.ORA File
Specifying Dead Connection Detection
Using Logging and Tracing Parameters
Understanding Default Domains
Understanding Client Parameters for Use with Oracle Names Server
Understanding the IPC Parameter
Understanding Authentication, Encryption, and Checksumming Parameters
Understanding the LISTENER.ORA File
Defining the Listener Name
Defining the Listener Address
IPC Addresses for the Listener (Windows NT Only)
LU6.2 Addresses
Describing the Databases on the Listener
Defining Listener Prespawned Dedicated Server Processes
Using Control Parameters
Using the Dynamic Discovery Option

F Troubleshooting

Resolving Common Error Messages and Codes
ORA-12154: Could not resolve service name
ORA-12203:TNS:unable to connect to destination on Windows
ORA-12203: TNS: unable to connect to destination and
ORA-12154: TNS: could not resolve service name Using 16-bit Applications on Windows NT
ORA-3121: No interface driver connection - function not performed on Windows NT
Diagnosing SQL*Net
Understanding Proper SQL*Net Installation
Server Diagnostics
Verifying the Database Is Running
Performing a Loopback Test
Client Diagnostics
SQL*Net Logging and Tracing
The Difference Between Logging and Tracing
Oracle Trace for SQL*Net
SQL*Net Troubleshooting Hints and Tips from the Field
Questions to Ask When Troubleshooting
Contacting Oracle Worldwide Customer Support
How to Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support
Before You Call for Assistance



Oracle Corporation
Copyright © 1996 Oracle Corporation
500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood City, CA 94065

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